Wow I’ve never seen “nonsensical and tedious” spelled “cool” before.
Wow I’ve never seen “nonsensical and tedious” spelled “cool” before.
It’s a shame they didn’t keep this as its original intention of being a video game sequel to the Halloween movie H2O. I would’ve loved to see Michael Myers on a surfboard.
Did you break the embargo by showing the back of a Pokemon you complained you couldn’t show because of the embargo?
I kinda have the feeling a little bit. I do resent that the only big things I’ve gotten likes from are roads, especially when I haven’t gotten a single like from a bridge, and I’ve built some pretty important ones that took me forever driving around to get enough metal.
This is SO TRUE. It’s the best feeling. And to get a ton of random likes is incredible too. Like I randomly ended up with about 2000 likes out of nowhere (I assume maybe it’s because I donated to a road?) and got about 50 bridge link level in one go. It was wild.
I can’t get over no one suspecting that Michael might have sent some kind of trap or spying device back in the book he gave to Bad Janet. I know this show basically begs for paranoid theorizing and being wary everything is a twist, and it does sound a little out there, but I really imagine a scenario where Michael…
I’ve thought Michael is the basis for this test for a while. And honestly I’m looking out for a twist of Michael hiding some kind of spying device or some such in the book he sent back with Bad Janet, betraying he’s not as fully confident as he seems. And that could lead to a hiccup in his test.
Just listen to the album recording of the “At Liberty” show. That’s basically the same thing, with songs!
Having listened to the “At Liberty” show numerous times, I wonder if this book would have enough insight beyond that to make it worth a purchase.
Crusader Kings 3 before Victoria 3 is a damn travesty.
The further confusion of demon morality in this episode really makes me lean even more toward the theory that this is all a test for Michael, and now possibly all of the demon forces. It still hasn’t been adequately explained why the higher forces in this universe allowed a demon to side with the humans or how it…
She has a bit of a Dr. Loomis vibe (sadly without all the entertaining raving about evil (yet (hopefully))).
But they are also clearly out of new things to do with the slasher genre, so maybe this will add... something interesting at least to pad this story out another 5 hours?
I enjoyed that the review pointed out the very funny point that his Satanism manifests just as someone whispering “Satan” over and over.
I think the issue is she’s actually a competent actress in the middle of AHS. I’m enjoying her a lot.
I’m of kind of the same mind. At this point, I think the Olympics guy is the only one who hasn’t at least been tied to a murder. Brooke has her fiance’s rampage, Montana fucks The Night Stalker, the frat guy murdered the kid in the car, Trevor killed in the fat kid in the pit, Chet killed Bertie and drew the porn guy…
I was really hoping they were going to do a reverse Roanoak and go back in time to do a take on Sleepaway Camp with Margaret’s murder story, but flashing back to it already kind of puts that to rest, unfortunately.
You spelled “Pokemon” wrong.
AHS always devolves into a nonsensical mess, but at least this season they’re aping a genre where that’s kind of the whole deal.
If you’re expecting tight logical though from American Horror Story, you’re doing it wrong. Especially when they’re doing nonsense 80s slashers.