The Pantweaver

They're the only ones.

Remember when this show was about Jimmy?

I'd watch Baby Jane more if it were better paced.

Manchurian Candidate and not a glimpse of Angela Lansbury?

I absolutely agree. It felt like a wet fart of an episode in a series that so often feels like a symphony.

Huh. So they just set up the "Grant can really walk" thing last episode for absolutely no reason? I found this a really underwhelming finale.

I agree and after watching found Sarandon's portrayal of the movies scenes in the show to not be very good. Maybe I'm alone in that.

Though it's not accent based, one of my favorite iterations of this is Helena Bonham playing Bellatrix Lestrange as the disguise of Hermione Granger as played by Emma Watson in Deathly Hallows.

This looks like the kind of enjoyable hot garbage that AHS keeps wishing it was.

They really are. They make me cringe.

Yes! Just really depressing.

I absolutely agree.

This sucks. I love this show and it ended on such a downer note.

There are new episodes of Spongebob?

Yeah, but it's a fake accent…

Frankly I thought Tom Lester was always funny and charming on Green Acres, as well.

Yeah. I can't decide if it was just bad accent work or an
acting choice.

Why did Lenny suddenly have the world's strongest accent during his speech?

I found his fake little giggle last week one of the most distracting "acting" moments I've seen in a long while.

His rules were pretty extreme. I don't often see people not using healing items during battle.