The Pantweaver

IS he an actor? Maybe it's just that English isn't his native language, but he's a real weak spot for me.

If I remember correctly, TUA has an excerpt from the script, which contains a code that you as the reader can decode.

I have that with Frisky Dingo's "Welcome to You Are Doom?!?"

As do I.

Well now I'm dying to see HK-47 in a movie.

Aw man. I thought Matt Gorely was gonna be in the new season…

Getting paid.

Wow. How did I never know he wrote for Fernwood 2 Nite. What a fantastic show.

Is this show actually good? I gave it a very brief try back when the first season came out, but the concept felt really dated. But when I get back on Seeso for the MBMBaM, I might check it out.

Hello there, old friend.

They don't allow you to have bees in here.

It seems likely that those are actually conversations between Arnold and Dolores rather than with Bernard.

Yeah. Particularly in the underground old host storage area having the old logo this week.

This is it exactly.

I think that's really true. I read an article on just that topic right after I had watched the pilot, and have been watching it with the two timeline theory, and it's the only way it makes sense. Without that knowledge, however, I'm not sure how I would be able to stand or care about the William storyline.

I think the "Bernard is an exact remade replica of Arnold" theory explains away the timeline problems of the Bernard/Dolores conversations as actually being Arnold/Dolores conversations that fall the earliest on the timeline. That's why they take place in the room like the one Teresa was killed. Ford said those were

He's not bad. He's just drawn that way. ;)

There's an urban myth surrounding the movie Three Men and a Baby that you can see a ghost in the background of one scene, along with the usual stories of someone - in this case a young boy - meeting their horrible end on the film set. Turns out it was just a cardboard cutout of Ted Danson from earlier in the film, but

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Were you watching Three Men And A Baby again?” - Man that line struck me so hard. That was the biggest school yard rumor of my childhood.

My Old Lady and the episode where Kelso retires still make me cry to this day.