The Pantweaver

I thought they were going to write DRUMMER

Well I hear it was VERY exclusive!

Yeah. This seems most likely to me.

I mean to be fair, Sarah Paulson gives an incredible performance each season, and is getting paid, so I doubt she has that much problem with it.

See I would disagree and say that AHS always aims at being a David Lynch film, but is just so inept that its misses occasionally hit something at least ridiculous enough to be interesting.

i also wasn't quite as let down, but he episode did feel like American Horror Story: Exposition Party.

The news sites are saying that Murphy has some big twist planned for episode six that we could never possibly guess is coming, so yeah, seems pretty clear that the talking heads are going to be menaced again by the same force, or are going to be dead the whole time, or some other dumb bullshit you can see from a mile

I just started working on mindfulness practices, so this episode was wonderfully timely for me. Connie's lines of having to acknowledge how much our feelings hurt before we can heal and move on is something I wish I'd heard before my last breakup.

How Am I Supposed To Respond To This, Internet?

Oh fuck. Please Like Me is one of my favorite shows of recent years.

I wish I knew what joke I'm missing here.

Though it wasn't actually a 2007 joke, I loved the "His Squirrel Friday" poster in Marv's office, starring Cary Grant and Rosalind Russquirrel.

Was that actually Jessica Biel as herself? I was convinced it was Sarah Chalke.

It's almost as though they wanted to make an interesting choice.

I've always envisioned Dirk as rather older, but I don't know why exactly.

Unless Chris Hemsworth is in this, I'm not interested.

Good it a bit of a stretch. Not a horrible one, though.

Damn. Loras go swole. Unf.

Unfunny comics…? On Doug Loves Movies, you say…? The very idea!

I like them both for different reasons. But as the structure dictates, if the guest is bad on an episode of TDAP, I find it infinitely less enjoyable than a bad episode of Spont.