The Pantweaver

YES, AND… itsnottheoneyou'rethinkingof!

I honestly appreciate the worse episodes of Spont because it's one of the true longform improv shows in podcasting, and real improv just bombs sometimes, but there's always funny stuff in it, and it's still interesting to hear these professionals at work.

Watch out, Schwimmer!

Which he has unfortunately had to do quite a lot lately on Spontaneanation.

That's why it's called gambling Las Vegas gambling.

Fuck. The amount of love I have for A Mighty Wind is unbridled. Sure, Best in Show and Waiting for Guffman are very funny affairs, but A Mighty Wind makes me cry every damn time.

My mother is a fish.

I read so much online about House of Leaves before actually reading it that I became convinced it was the most frightening piece of fiction of the past two centuries combined. It sat on my coffee table for weeks before I gathered the courage to crack it open. Imagine my surprise to find in place of horror a fairly

I agree that to be meaningful, it should have been made flat-out clear in the books, but Dumbledore's motivations surrounding Grindlewald do only really make sense if he was in love with him, and I did identify with that as a gay reader.
That said, you point still stands.

I feel like people actually watch Comedy Bang Bang, though.



No One Has Complained About This Article Yet, Internet!

He would've been too busy chasing Spot around.

I caught up on TAZ as well, and I find it so unsatisfying to listen to one episode at a time. I wish I had the willpower to wait until the arc finishes to listen to the whole thing.

If you haven't listened to the Podcast they were crossing over with, The Adventure Zone, it's fantastic. Hilarious, and an actually really engaging storyline.

The Adventure Zone is only about an hour after skipping through ads, and audio only.

Big Daddy's version did that for me.

At least it's not as sad as Ryan Reynolds.

#SchaalOrBust #ImNotWithHer