
I’m kind of a fan of the beautiful Ian’s face and things but it seems that, once he starts on anything about/with/relative to his wife, he gets very, very weird. There’s something slavish about it that creeps me out. It would be good if he just was quiet and smiled at the camera. She gives me sharp-edged vibes.

“Keleigh” sounds like the most popular girl at the Purity Ball, or a prospective girlfriend for one of the Duggar brothers.

Then on Lost, dude wanted to bang his stepsister (who was the oldest girl from the “The Nanny” show). Maybe that’s why he creeps me put a bit.

Mine has a Starbucks and a cafe with hot dogs and icees and it sells personal size Pizza Hut pizzas

My aunt who babysat me for years as a child used to take my sister and me to Walmart for hot dogs as a special treat so childhood me is also strangely superior to Angelina.

Agree— that post really says:

I did not recognize her as a brunette. She’s so much prettier IRL. WTF did the Twilight people do to her?

Seriously. He’s the bangable-est.

Yeah his cheesy posts about her always feel a little... creepy? Somehow? Or slimy at the very least. I don’t know how Neenz dated him for so long. Like she probably woke up with crystals beside her that he’d artfully placed for a *holistic woman* photo series.

The Target near my house has hot dogs, so I feel strangely superior to Angelina.

Oh come on Jujy. Nikki is from Twilight, she was the pretty vampire and Ian dated Victoria Justice. Ta-da!

I saw Mike on Worst Cooks in America. He has the face bloat of a complete alcoholic. He looks way older than he really is. It’s sad, but not surprising in the least.

I got groped by this skeezy looking skinhead at a GWAR show a few years back and he just literally would not leave me alone. I’d move to another point in the crowd and he’d follow me and just stand directly behind me and run his hands up and down my sides and across my chest. When the crowds get tight like that,

In season one she decided she was too cool to behave like at least a responsible noble girl and NOT GET A PEASANT BOY IN TROUBLE, got her sister’s direwolf killed because she never bothered to train hers, and basically made her sister look bad because she was jealous of her. She’s always been spoiled and rude.

Arya was pissing me the fuck off too. She didn’t do shit when she could have. Hell, she didn’t need to kill Tywin personally, she had three wishes from a death genie that she squandered! I really hope Bran brings her back down to earth because her creepy little speeches made me think of Ramsay and Sansa will certainly

Arya has always been a tempermental brat refuses to acknowledge her responsibility in anything. In season two she told Jaquen off for serving the Lannisters. When he reminded her that she was also serving the Lannister’s as a cup-bearer, she said she didn’t have a choice. He reminded her that she did.

YES! Call that asshole out. I was at a Queens of the Stone Age show some years ago (also in The Netherlands) and Josh Homme stopped a song to call out a man who was bothering women in the crowd (I forget what he was doing but one can guess). He refused to resume playing until the guy left. That’s the way to deal with

Don’t forget the Hound fucking everything up because he’s bored and wants to throw rocks.

While on vacation, I had a little thing with a guy who was there alone, and who said he was separated. Talked about it multiple times - they’ve been separated for more than a year, his kids, etc. He was very separated. We return to respective cities, then make plans to meet up where he lives. We made plans. We’d also

Not exactly news. I was never a Buffy fan (nor much a fan of Whedon in general at all, tbh), but even I know all you have to do is ask Charisma Carpenter if you want to know what a shit-heel Joss has often been to women, despite all his big talk.