
Last winter a some lady from the Salvation Army got in my face about not donating, so I asked her rather loudly if they had changed their stance on conversion therapy and general discrimination against the LGBT+ community and then stated even more loudly that I don’t give money to organizations that are openly

People need to drop the Pollyanna act and realize that he was cheating and thinks he is too important for her now. Their relationship ain’t like yours, no celebrity relationship is. The only common thing is cheating, and they won’t come out and say it because it would ruin his good guy persona, because good people

“...he can’t juggle a growing family with his career...”

And if you wanna find hell with me

Just for fun, I imagine Hillary won. She appointed Mr. and Mrs. Chelsea Clinton as her Advisers, put Bezos in as CofS, and made Bill SOS. I’m pretty sure the Fox universe would implode with rage.

My guess was J-Law is dead and a ghost and these “invaders” are actually her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren through the years. Based on the title and the poster.

That’s the HORRROR.

So it’s about a cult (her long hair and long white dress, come on now), yes? Pfeiffer is JLaw’s mother but “gave” JLaw to Bardem at a very young age or something.

*Mel rouses briefly from self induced botox coma*

Just for fun, pretend Obama stood proudly on a stage with his 5 kids from 3 baby mamas and think of the fox news takes the next day.


Trump has to be in court Aug. 14 for the emoluments lawsuit. Blumenthal is the lead plaintiff. That’s why there is a twitter storm coming from that orange asshole.

Imagine, if you will, if the White House’s previous occupant regularly lost his shit and rage tweeted while being completely unable to regulate his tone, mood, words, and terrible temper. Imagine if a woman was President and acted like Trump, an emotional lunatic unable to tell the truth even when it would be rational

So many swoony moments in that movie. The confession in the rain scene with the insane sexual tension, the DRAMATIC WALK ACROSS THE MOORS, the “Only call me Mrs. Darcy when you’re ridiculously happy” ending...

He’s just so affected by it *swoons*

Yeah, you should stick with it. The first three books of the series are the best!

Nothing in this “dark” version will ever top the Hand Flex of Repressed Longing from ‘05 P&P. SORRY NOT SORRY.

That’s so true. For instance, Charlotte Lucas finding a measure of happiness in her marriage to Mr. Collins because it means independence and work of running her own home was a surprisingly nice moment.

it is a truth universally acknowledged that I WILL NEVER BE SICK OF PRIDE & PREJUDICE ADAPTATIONS GIVE IT TO ME PLZ

Just binge watched all of Poldark this weekend and I love it! But nothing is better than Victoria ahhh!!! The series two trailer just came out and I cried haha Are there any other dweebs like me loving these?