
He’s right about the Chinese, they are basically all chimera-hybrid AIs that produce human milk and knockoff smartphones. The long con is to infiltrate our nutritious paleo diets with genetically modified rice beef products and make us all lactate through our InfoWars t-shirts. 

Hey. It’d be great if I didn’t have to scroll past 1,000 gifs. My phone is completely overloaded, and that amount of gifs was entirely unnecessary.

I’ve been finding all the comments about the timelines so tedious. At this point I don’t need three episodes of Jon and Davos on a boat or full sieges of both Caterly Rock and High Garden. I would much, much rather the show spend the few remaining episodes on extended scenes like Dany and Jon or Cersei and the

I dunno. When Jon told her he was leaving her in charge of Winterfell and the North, she did glance over at Littlefinger, who looked thrilled by this new development.

“Her glamorous power grabs include long term food stores and discussing armor insulation.”

Why on earth would Randyll Tarly accept Sam over that? Everything he’s ever said about Sam has made clear how much he disdains erudition, and as a member of the Night’s Watch, Sam has renounced his claim to Horn Hill anyhow.

Nah, it’ll just lay better foundations for the Auntie-Nephew Alliance.

I am wondering how the Jorah/Dany/Samwell Tarly connection works out. With Samwell curing Jorah, will Sam’s father finally accept him as a son and switch sides from the Lannisters to the Starks and/or Dany? Somehow, Jorah will talk to Randyll Tarly at somepoint somehow.

Also, Dany loses her last allies because she’s constantly high on the smell of her own farts. “WHY ARE YOU NOT CALLING ME QUEEN RIGHT NOW WHAT IS THIS SHIT. I AM THE QUEEN. DID I NOT SAY THAT YET BECAUSE I AM. QUEEN.”

Also pretty contrary to what Oberyn said about how girls are supposedly treated in Dorne. It’s hard to care about Ellaria and the Sand Snakes suffering terrible fates considering what they did to an innocent young couple who just wanted to be happy together.

Yeah. I mean, I understood why Oberyn did it, but since he volunteered to fight the guy, there wasn’t much room to complain when he lost. Also, while Tywin certainly bore blame for Elia’s murder, it’s not like Jaime or Cersei were involved - and Myrcella had nothing to do with any of it, so it was a pretty dick

Bran wakes from a trance: “...I have Bird Flu.”

Is Arya missing though? I’m thinking she’s wearin faces and countin aces in KL, and Cersei is just getting a little too comfy in her own power/surroundings.

Man pour one out for Olenna Tyrell. Her character will so be missed, but she went out like a G.

Not only was Myrcella innocent, but shockingly enough in that situation, so was Cercei. The Lannisters didn’t kill Oberyn; he WANTED to fight the Mountain for revenge. It was his own posturing that got him killed and it was so so so SO stupid for Ellaria to take it out on Myrcella.

The row boat was from the ship to the shore. There’s a scene where you see the ship in the harbor.

This story makes me sick. Seriously, what a truly fucked up thing. Imagine, as a man—which constitutes the bulk of readers here—the mind-blowingly scary scenario of being help at gunpoint and told that not only are they gonna steal all your money, they’re gonna rape you as well, all the while insinuating you won’t die

welp its not quite cream cheese...but i had a brie n pineapple baguette today (not a combination i would have thought of)..... was tasty as hell

I’ve used Airbnb many times, and am currently writing this response from an absolutely lovely Airbnb apartment in Copenhagen — my third one here. I ONLY rent full apartments in which the host is offsite, and I’ve ONLY had absolutely wonderful experiences. Shit can happen anywhere and in any situation, but these

When my parents visited from Ohio, they were absolutely squicked out by jumping into a Lyft for the first time. My mom said ‘So we’ just going to hop in the back of some dude’ accura?’