Dragging the body to the balcony to throw it overboard.... he definitely had this planned out. What a scuzzball.
Dragging the body to the balcony to throw it overboard.... he definitely had this planned out. What a scuzzball.
What if you have a small penis?
Guys like this often take out the children, too. It’s a good thing that neighbor intervened.
According to the full story, they had only been aboard for 6 hours before he killed her. That makes me think he had every intention of killing her and dumping her body in the ocean. Why he would do it in front of their children or anyone else I can’t fathom, but it seems a little too convenient that mere hours after…
“My life is over.”
alright alright alright we all agree that grandpa’s a fucking perv and that LW3 needs to learn a few phone settings, BUT WHERE IS THE THREAD WHERE WE TRY TO GUESS WHAT THE EMAIL ADDRESS IS???
Do not ever put up with old man disgusting behavior.
All of these responses are good ones, but your response to GRAMPS is EXACTLY SPOT ON. It IS sexual and the ONLY way to protect yourself is to call it out shamelessly. Fuck that creepy old creep!
My SIL publicly yelled at my FIL to stop demanding hugs and kisses from her daughter and FIL nearly collapsed in shock. (He doesn’t touch my kid that way because my kid is a boy and male bodies are respected but female bodies are public property.)
FIL just sputtered, “oh? OH? THAT’S BAD? Well, maybe I will never kiss…
LW1: Absolutely this is sexualization. And your father is an asshole for not supporting you.
People need to stop tip toeing around family members who are being assholes.
How about someone punch him in the dick?
Wow. Remember when Senator Warren was censured for having the temerity to read a letter from Coretta Scott King on the floor of the Senate, because she’d insulted Sessions by doing so? They could not abide that breach in decorum due to a senator.
The casting seems especially bad this year. Lydia is a dull-witted twink, Armenian Sportscar Lady seems like she’s wandered into the wrong show, Kelly Dodd should never have been asked back for a 2nd season...
I keep seeing her on Instagram posting pictures of her former self, accompanied by really sad captions. It’s terrible. I’ve gained a lot of weight in the past two years, and I’m about to start trying to take it off (the diet starts tomorrow, etc.). And I do sometimes look at old pictures and think about how good I…
Sex and sleep.
Popcorn and a coke, charming at home and particularly satisfying in a movie theatre. And they used to carry this rosemary focaccia at Gelson’s (Southern California grocery store) that was amazing on it’s own, but particularly incredible when paired with Snapple’s peach iced tea.
Apricot tea and white chocolate macadamia nut cookies.
Popcorn + M&Ms
Spreadable cheese and buttery crackers... Maybe some cold white wine...