Their country has been demoted from The Good Mexico to The Other Mexicans. You brought it on yourselves, Spain.
Their country has been demoted from The Good Mexico to The Other Mexicans. You brought it on yourselves, Spain.
It’s not nice, it’s stupid not to use adblock on sites that don’t earn their money..
It’s not.
Nintendo would be stupid enough to do another gimmick after their last gimmick failed so bad that they had to replace it mid-generation with a new system. It’s the most incompetent corporation for a reason.
They’re translating it themselves because Nintendo are shit translators and censors stuff from their games.
Fuck people that use a knife and fork to cut meat. Stick your fork in it and take bites out of the meat chunk like a fucking man.
Learn to wash your hands and you won’t have a problem with one hand being sanitary and the other not.
RPS is really the only good gaming site left after Joystiq shut down. I’ve tried a LOT of sites since Joystiq died and there’s an extreme lack of actual good ones.
You’re thinking of the PS4. The Wii U just has Mario Kart and Splatoon.
To make it more notably Muslim his finisher is now going to be him exploding.
Linus loves Maki Rolls.
Well that’s an athletic looking bunch.
Pirating mods will allow people to continue modding without having to pay thousands of dollars extra on mods. People buy gaming PC’s because of the benefits like modding, with PC’s being double or triple the price of a console, and consoles being the standard for how powerful games are made to be, there just wouldn’t…
You’re simple if you want to see paid mods. As someone much much smarter than you that has thought about this I see nothing but the death of PC gaming if mods become paid mods unless there is a simple way to pirate them.
Then you are an idiot.
Quit supporting Nintendo. They’ll never get their act together and quit being so incompetent if you keep supporting them.
I hope Final Fantasy content shows up in FFXIV one day. The game is not a FF game at all, and even less of an MMO. More like a MOG (Multiplayer Online Game). So sad to see the genre and that brand in such a state.