Of course a corrupt politician would be supporting a horrible monopoly that is killing PC gaming.
Of course a corrupt politician would be supporting a horrible monopoly that is killing PC gaming.
Sorry no. They changed it because a crazy person was throwing a fit. They never should have changed it for that loon and they need to change it back if they want this over. If they felt it didn’t fit the character then that should have been the reason they removed it, not because some entitled self important empty…
Destructoid is a site that hasn’t been good in 5 years. If they say something about something then I’m sure they know what they’re talking about even though the writers are ignorant. They are equally as reliable as Gamespot.
Why? There’s already some mods that add a bunch of new types of garden plots including indoor ones. Those mods have been out since weeks after release.
Weird, I already have most of what is coming with this mod DLC in my game from mods. Same with the last one.
Well let us hope when these “cosplay photographers” grow up they get real jobs.
It’s so much worse if you’re a gamer since Mass Effect 2 was the worst Mass Effect game. Almost as shitty as 3.
Are you old enough to have lived in the 90's early 2000's? If so then you know what DBZ is.
Back when gamers had standards and self respect and when there weren’t so many casuals in gaming to fuck things up for us. Really sad what gaming has become in 10 years.
Yeah, I’m offended by the ass, titties and robosexuality going on in this game. They need to censor it all for everyone because I alone don’t like it.
FFS a French one again? Where’s the new Black Flag at? You know, the only one that was actually any good? Or even an Asian one?
I don’t see why anyone would want more Mass Effect with how bad 2 & 3 were. Those two games were some of the biggest disappointments of the last gen along with DA 2 & Inquisition. Seems Bioware are only any good when starting a new IP.
LGBT person here. Please don’t write about LGBT issues here on Jezebel because you already corrupted your own feminist movement into a bunch of Tea Party-like fanatical lunatics that thinks they are oppressed and that everyone is out to get them. Don’t want you destroying the LGBT movement the same way.
You must not be a real Warcraft fan if you’re happy about AF armor.
John Locke is doing the butt pose, someone better censor that picture quick!
Hope this bankrupts SE. They are an awful corporation that has ruined the FF series.
I think it has more to do with the director than the actors when it comes to both acting and voice acting. You can have a great actor, but their acting ends up shitty if their director isn’t any good at directing. For example the Star Wars prequels.
Don’t talk about things you don’t understand, kid. Go look into GG and their views. Watch them in their forums. Post things as an experiment on them to better learn about them and their reactions. Don’t be a dipshit and act like you know anything about them because a site currently waging a propaganda war against them…
Don’t believe everything you hear on the internet, especially a site pushing propaganda over a huge fuckup and diverting the outrage towards the people concerened with their actions.
Turns out Kotaku was just making things up again. Jokes on you weak minded dipshit.