
“discredit, harass, shame, isolate, maybe find a skeleton in a person’s closet that calls their reputation into question.”

Unless they pay their protection money to Kotaku.

GabeN said Microsoft was moving to do this way back about Windows 8.

Actually, the lack of science to prove it exists disproves your religion and all others. Even common sense disproves religions. Most of the bible has also been debunked, and the rest is on its way to being debunked.

You need to replace her face with Bernie.

Regular 3DS have homebrew yet? I’ll just get an emulator myself since they refuse to fucking do it. Such a ridiculous company.

You know, I’d really just love a Kirby game that was a Kirby game. Kirby 64 is pretty much the best they’ve done and I wish they would build off of it rather than just adding Kirby to game ideas that have absolutely nothing to do with Kirby.

Just wish the game had better male romanceable characters. I was happy about being able to romance the same sex, but I don’t like any of them.
Hate the goth nerd’s personality the most.


A private server has the original AV up and running. Nostalrius is its name.

These days it is. Back before the Cata xpac the battles were actually awesome and out in the world.

I used to have battles like this every few days back before Cata in WPVP, except it was up and down and all across the area maps instead of a small spot on a BG. Me and the person or people I’d be fighting would have low levels from each side jumping in to help and getting swatted down. Usually they’d snowball into