
Why do you hate to see this? There are over 7000 craft breweries in the US and 800 plus in Canada. If you are so against beers you know you already like but are now giving ABinBev money, than you can find dozens if not hundreds of the exact same beers at independent crafts.

Yeah look at Goose Island. They haven’t had a single new beer in a decade...

Or they live in Illinois. Crazy right?

fucking snowflake millenials 

Parents shouldn’t be putting their children on their social media feeds without consent. 

No. Absolutely not on camera.

Ohh Boo Fucking Hoo. Entitled asshole didn’t book his tickets in time and got shitty selection of high priced flights.

You do understand how taxes work right?

Gawker. Also sucks.

The Marvel comics and Disney animated shows are NOT EU. They are treated as in continuity for now.

If you think high school kids are smart enough to get around that sort of thing, then you never met a college undergrad in the last 5 years.

No Dinosaurs? No Fucks.

That is sad. I am so sorry. If you cannot accept the definition of a basic word, perhaps you have wasted 20yrs of your life?

Implement - verb - put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect.

Erik Adams: Sad white man

“I am out of touch with video games”

Fucking dumb fuck millennials 

To spite face, Haddish cuts off nose.

Diarrhea and nausea?

Gawker contributors not good at writing: