
Not our fault you’ve bad terrible life choices by procreating. 

I just use texting, gchat.


Yet you did such an amazing job of being racist. Such an amazing job.

The fucks are below zero much like the temps. 

If it was made by a non-fan I would be more interested. Seriously. who gives a fuck.

Cool people saw the killing eve finale 2 days ago

Also don’t reproduce. If you already have reproduced, please go back in time and prevent your own pregnancy. 

meet entitled white dude.. yada yada

They’ve all appeared in the comics

No. Much like the writers of The Orville, I lack any skill in script writing.

I do love Clover’s ability to do any research or know anything about any of the stuff she posts on Gawker.

Unless you do then it is hilarious. Audience matters. You are not the audience so STFU

Please explain to us your expertise in this particular situation or willfully exclaim ignorance with a tinge of entitlement.

Yeah. Real humans can work all hours at whim.

I would feel bad for you if I didn’t know this was bullshit or 1975.

You have hands. Why the fuck didn’t you get off your asses and carry your shit in.

“your kind”

Fascinating how your kind always assumes that individual critical of garbage have a miserable life.

Never because I am not a whiny bitch.