
Oh no. It appears you have a case of Orville Syndrome. It’s a little known mental disorder first diagnosed in 2017 after the premiere of a lazy homage to early 90's syndicated science fiction. It’s main symptoms are irrationally hating Star Trek Discovery, ignoring glaring flaws in writing, sfx, acting and set design

Thank you for revealing that you’ve never done a day of manual labor in your life.

Did you watch a different show?! I like to give a show a pretty generous “wait and see” attitude but God damn how did they manage to get worse!?

Become an activist for restaurant and bar workers rights. Ensure that laws get changed so everyone gets a living wage before tips.

WHy would you include garbage like Boston Brewing?!

Incompetence is a Gizawker plus.

You know. The fact you are a basic white dude was spooged all over this review. Good job being you.

raisins are garbage foods.

I guess these are the same professionals who frequently appear on cook competition shows? Oh no wait, its not, lack of seasoning is perhaps the most frequent criticism on any of these professional cooking shows.

thanks for providing a video. i look forward to not watching it.

That is irrelevant. It is the gross misunderstanding of science and academia that is the issue.

Shhhh, enough with that. Do you really think the writers of this show have had any interaction with grad students or professors in the STEM fields beyond begging for points in their non-major geology and bio classes?

The best part of this recurring feature is how absolutely unfunny it is. Quite meta.

A video. Hard pass.

iPhones work on Fi

It’s called holding people accountable for their actions. Try it sometime.

None of those people are arrogant douche canoes like NDT

Robert KirkmN decides to keep Negan alive. You know the Executive Producer and co created? Negan has an important role to play in the upcoming Whisperer War

By the gods of TV, if you are recapping a show be familiar with the damn source material. This whole post is embarrassing.

Euthanasia. It’s quick. It’s painless and relatively cheap. It has worked a 100% for me in the past.