Today, it is an insult in all contexts.
Today, it is an insult in all contexts.
Right. This is why we are not getting an ALF reboot but shitting over TS4 without even knowing the full plot? Yeah that’s pure BS.
I bet you are someone who loves The Orville.
You already saw it?! WOW!!! Now stop whining like a lil fanboy.
I like the part where they make Squirrel Girl super thin.
Please take this list and go fuck yourself. This goes everyone who posts these lists every month without binning them by original/non original programming
Or maybe they are appearing in Riverdale right now and they aren’t sure whether or not Sabrina and Riverdale are in the same universe yet?
reboot? That fact that you didn’t even know it was an ADAPTATION of a comic really speaks volumes.
Why no science should grace this blog in two sentences:
I am not sure what is the best part of this series of posts. Is it the empty one dimensional unfunny mean spirited delivery or the unironic claim to be a media critic.
Yeah. Sorry. Brick and mortar video game shops have come to the end of their lifespan. I don’t feel bad one iota. I haven’t bought a physical copy of a game on “day of” in an actual store in a decade.
white people are weird and annoying
Cool idea if we lived in a country with Medicare 4 all. Until then, give them salaries, give her benefits.
Someone hates George Carlin
Does it help that there are no people of color around?! Hard to tell the difference between a Trump rally crowd and theGABF crowd.
No snake is poisonous. It doesn’t take a herpetologist t know that but I guess it takes a Gizawker writer to confuse it with venomous
Looks like you just might be racist adjacent.
If we don’t see a “Twins” scenario here I will either be disappointed or surprised at the misdirect. Dean is almost positively a clone of Rusty and Rusty is MAYBE a bad clone of Jonas Sr.
They are going batshit over it on reddit too....yet still how then do you explain Jonas Jr?
How does that explain Jonas Jr? All the flashback-dreams to the womb in season 1?