
I don’t watch baseball, but I imagine seeing empty stands takes me out of the moment, like every time I ‘notice’ the stands are empty, I’m reminded that these are strange times, so watching baseball becomes marginally less effective as a pastime to ignore the pressures of the real world.

That’s just straight up the exchange rate, though...

I think it would be even better for an autobattler, honestly

Would be kinda cool if they pivoted to portray an alternate timeline of NY that institutes a defunded police force and emphasizes community-based mitigation.

One interpretation of talking about how “All games/[X] are Political” is that all games that do not challenge existing norms in our society generally affirm them.

For instance, there’s no actual gameplay reason why a fantasy-themed game like Castlevania generally has to have a white male protagonist, i.e. the game

Dark Souls for Switch

Enormity doesn’t have implications of difficulty.  It directly corresponds with the size of a task and does have connotations of negative moral implications of a given task, but those aren’t necessarily embedded into the word.

That seems like proper use to me.  What do you think enormity means?

In addition to that, Clinton was also running against anyone who was dissatisfied with Obama, which is a fair number of people.

I mean, we’re comparing what feels like like a 5% chance of pregnancy and a 0.00005%.

So, yeah, I’m comparing them like I’d compare the threat of bee stings and being slowly disemboweled by a tiger. The severity is counteracted out by the likelihood of it happening.

I don’t see how that’s particularly disturbing for this country.  Most countries do something similar to varying degrees, seeing as most societies have adult things that are deemed inappropriate for children.

I’d be curious how much of that is Japan vs. Not-Japan.  I heard that Fire Emblem is one of Nintendo’s top franchises in Japan, and in that context, it’s not surprising at all to see it blow the others out of the water.

Nominally, these issues are restricted because they’re not appropriate for minors.

Sex is MORE restricted than guns because it’s far more conceivable that 16 year old Billy or Mandy will try to have sex vs. murder someone in a violent fashion. As a result, that’s the sort of stuff people focus on restricting.

I’d respect that sentiment, but, as someone who’s spent some time going to a few Asian countries, I make a strong point of going to Mcdonalds [also KFC] in other countries.

They definitely go out of their way to localize some of their offerings, and I find it really insightful to the tastes of a given country to see

I think this requires either paying for Pokemon Home, or paying for Nintendo Switch’s online service. This isn’t the end of the world as both are pretty cheap, but I had no intention of paying for either type of service [possibly in addition to an additional year of Pokemon Bank] prior to this generation.

Edit: Sorry

I think this requires either paying for Pokemon Home, or paying for Nintendo Switch’s online service. This isn’t the end of the world as both are pretty cheap, but I had no intention of paying for either type of service [possibly in addition to an additional year of Pokemon Bank] prior to this generation.

I’m not saying you’re wrong, nor that there are probably other logistical issues that would accompany putting in 800 monsters, but I’m under the impression that they largely re-used existing static [and animated] art assets that existed from the 3DS

Does anyone know if they balanced the units, or if these new units will seem to help with the balance?

I kinda got turned off to the game once I realized that spamming Pikemen and catapults is the best strategy [paired up with the hard difficulty of original release, it just became pretty formulaic.]

Can it ever be good enough?

There’s no single entity that can answer that question.

But here we go:

We have a number of despicable tragedies in history, let’s go with the Holocaust and Black Slavery in America as the go-tos for this discussion.

How is humanity meant to reckon with these stains on history. By no means are

Actually, now that I’ve had more coffee, let’s cut through a lot of this

> First of all, to be clear, this isn’t a thing most South Koreans really care much about nowadays, by themselves. I’ve seen several interviews on the streets regarding the several incidents that happened recently against japanese businesses,