
On the plus side, it only took an apocalypse for them to pass the greatest socialism bill ever. Well, the Senate anyway. Still has to go to the house. 

Kinda impressive yes but still a CP

Get this blasphemy out of my face. CP

Republicans don't like actually doing their job, they just like lining their pockets with lobbyists money and blocking whatever Democrats try to do. 

And the players don’t profit off of it as much as the billionaires do. 

Probably why they didn’t bother to replace ACA when they had the chance. Although Trump will making cuts to social security, Medicare and Medicaid for the next fiscal year.

Conservatives would love nothing more than to cut those programs. 

True story

Yeah, not only has he not cleared out the swamp, he's made it worse. He's still responsible for his words and actions. 

Yeah, Trump only likes to pat his back when things are good. He is the face of our country, like a CEO of a business, if it doesn’t do well, the CEO is fired. But Trump just shrugs it off, then people come in to defend him like he isn't some fucking dumbass. 

Yeah, it's fucking terrible. 

State rights have nothing to do with Trump, minimizing, joking and saying that it will go away. He could have been much more prepared and taken it way more seriously.

No he doesn't

The blood for those who have died are on his hands. 

The only socialism politically acceptable in the US are for corporations and the wealthy.

This was the best you had today? CP

That reminds me, I should message my realtor and see how he is doing. 

Im sorry, but who is on the bright side of this apocalypse? I mean besides all the businesses that will get welfare cause the only socialism that's acceptable is for the wealthy. 

On the plus side, I learned there something called a Puss Moth.