
Who actually gives a shit if an athlete takes PEDs?

As a Hyundai/Kia fanboi this sounds absolutely delicious!

Musk is a dumb fuck and all you ball garglers can choke on it.

They are both crack pipes

Splug? Is this real life?

What isn't wrong with me?

Ok, so an orgasming penis. 

Is that a penis above the Spatz in the logo on the hood?

But for 15K more you can get an already restored ‘67 Bronco!

What exactly is tactical performance?

Trump likes to take credit when it makes him look good. 


I'm a fanboi of Hyundai's, so NP. Although white on black is so boring. 

It's called plot convenience. 

And they say Americans are fat. 

85 Mythical Figure, a German roadster with an inline-8, front-mid configuration that's fun to drive but very uncomfortable. 

SOL, son!

What gets me is when people put the average retail* values on their CL ads. Get out of here with that. High retail for your car is 6500 and you want 6450, shut the front door. 

Yes please!

This guy gets it!!!