
Anyone backing the Chinese government can die in a hole

They should just say fuck US labor and take their production elsewhere. 

They should just go full automation or take all the labor out of the US. 

What the fuck is wrong with you people

Whatever you think, commie

It will be a good day in the world when communist China falls, it’s sad so many American companies bow to them in the name of the dollar.

The Ocho

Fuck the N-C- double A but fuck LeBron James even more. 

Oh shit! This is in my town. If I hadn't just bought a house, it would be mine!

Why don't we just stop supporting twitch?

So when can the Vikings trade Cousins for him?

You take that back, right fucking now. 

Thanks, I had to Google what the fuck snooker even was. 

We’re better than you, and we know it!

Nice price fo sho!

Nice price fo sho!

They literally have nowhere to go but up.

Definitely not

Dude, people are already having sex with robots. 

Fuck AB and fuck the Patriots. I hope he breaks a leg.