Can someone explain the 'reverse lay' I guess I can't see the picture quite right.
Can someone explain the 'reverse lay' I guess I can't see the picture quite right.
Touche. :)
Am I missing the point here? For each one of these I was able to find the answer in 1-2mins with a simple google search. In this case "Yellow man crosswalk"
Wow, the North Koreans are advancing fast.
This Solomon fellow seems like a real stand up guy, I was expecting just a talking head.
All I know when it comes time to get my next car. Thinking an M3 or STI. You know something with just a little bit of power.
Pfft. The best idea is take a cruise. I made sure to take one that follows almost the exact route the hurrican will be coming. Going in to it head first!
ON the up side. Check out that Honda Rambler. Kind of gaudy but just happy to see they're getting love.
The bar they are hitting isn't actually the bridge. Certain points you can see it.
Haha. My stuff is all star wars based
If they did that I'd buy an ipad
I usually do %20 just because it's easy. I know there a billion tricks for getting different tip amounts but bill/5 seems the quickest to me.
It would take exactly enough money to fund my jump.
The 3G model of my Kindle Keyboard has saved me quite a few times. Finished the second book in the Hunger Games on the beach miles from my condo. Same thing has happened at the park or on the bus. I definitely recommend it.
Voted for 900 simply because I love my 1200 that much. The only downside is the lack of quick change bays. Luckily it comes with a bunch of thumb screws
"although he doesn't rule OUT a "giant squid."
Why read the article when you could just skim the title