
You mean the biathlon. Skeet shooting is with shot guns and flying targets

"We have no choice...rockets" love it.

We could ask them, I'm sure they'll listen to Reason

I became an Nvidia fan in 2004 prior I had a Radeon X300 and at some point I had a radeon tv tuner. I just purchased a 6850 and I was shocked that not only this software was there but it looked exactly the same and was just as bloated.

I'd never heard of ifttt before, but now I am going to go out of my way to find something I'll use it for!


So just to weigh in on this I have been experiencing petit-mal seizures at least since I was in 5th grade.

Actually thinking about it again air holds heat better than copper does...that might factor in to this too...

It's been a few years since my last physics course but I'm pretty sure copper has a conductivity of around 400W/mK and air is somewhere in the neighborhood of 1, actually probably a lot closer to zero.

I don't know if I am the only one, but no matter how many times I disable emails for events I still get them. I have to uncheck notifications for events entirely, which sucks because I want them just not in email form.

It's stencils and spray paint. :)

The shooting scene in the recall office gave me a cutscene event feel. I hope all the action doesn't have that same feel.

I happen to have an LED tv that puts out very little heat. But that is actually a good point and something I didn't think of. Guess I should add a warning to the how to. :)

Well this is an LED tv so it doesn't generate much heat what so ever heck, it may even cool the room :)

Vertigo50. Never forgotten anything in his life.

For what it's worth the laptop I used is a 17.6" It weighs about 12lbs I believe.

I got mine by bugging my designer friend.

Pfft. The Howard Foundation discovered this in the early 19th century!

Haven't these been around for ages? I think I had one when I had my nokia.

It get's better.