
People who reject the feminist label to be a ‘humanist’, and people who believe in All Lives Matter over Black Lives Matter are examples of people who stand in the way of social progress. They’re obstacles to a better, equal society. They help to validate the opinion that disadvantaged groups aren’t actually

What even is that horrid short length?! These are athletes. Give me thigh or give me death!

Tabloids for me and my gf would read; The couple was last seen having a heated argument in the middle of downtown Manhattan about whether their car would fit in a parking spot. Bystanders said they could harsh words like “For the last time! I wasn't going to park two blocks back! It was commercial vehicles only!" and

Right. Most of that was sass/snark in that it didn’t sound like they had introduced a character with actual feelings/struggles (insert lawyer joke here) but more a character that makes people either feel comfortable hating her or comfortable with the industry because look, ma, no feelings! I think maybe it’s easier to

While cologne/perfume is horrible, try being around someone that didn’t shower and just splashed cologne on. That is the worst.

People don’t dislike body odor because of “societal norms.” They dislike it because it smells horrendous. There are people I encounter at least once a week who consistently smell and I have to try very hard to not literally gag over the stench. “De-stigmatizing” body odor doesn’t stop it from smelling awful.

I work one on one with clients, which means I can’t smell like ass and B.O. Instead of skipping showers to avoid drying out your skin, just use gentle soap and some goddamn moisturizer and don't take 35 minute scalding hot showers.

I’ve always been more a fan of the poor-man’s door alarm; a cup full of change balanced on the doorknob

What? No, they just wove it together temporarily, duh. It’s not like they walked around like that for months, growing their dreads into each other.

Ignore this person. They’re reaching. It’s not like you’re saying “I don’t like all ____ music because I don’t get it.” You can like an artist and not like every single thing they do. You like Beyonce. You like a lot of her songs. You personally think that Formation, is hard to listen to, not because of the lyrics,

Would it be fair to say I appreciate it but my ear doesn’t?

I have to say as an adult rewatching this, I am very disturbed by the child in “pimp imagery” and also throwing a party at 13 without adult supervision. Very upset.

OMG the piano tattoo thing fills me with a horrific case of secondhand embarrassment

Why, yes, we have opinions, opinions that may not match yours. We stated them. Surprise!

The thing that gets me are these comments:

“I won’t vote for a Clinton or a Bush.”
“Watching Hillary’s speech. God save me from her.”
“Hillary Clinton is a war-monger!”

If only there was a thing that allowed you to correct your vision without touching your eyeballs to wear or remove it...

For those of us who live on very tight, small budgets, literally surviving paycheck to paycheck, $50 a week goes a long way. I would love to buy organic foods for my family, but I also like having electricity, running water, gas in my car and a few pennies left in the bank.

$50 more a week is a lot. Especially, for something that has no discernable benefit (that we know of, there are yet to be any studies that track people for 10-30 years on an all organic food diet). You can still eat very healthily without buying organic foods.

@HEATHERNUMBER1: I am with you. If you don't know shit about sex, you ain't ready for it. That's why there's an INTERNET full of INFORMATION for ladies to read. Just because you are ignorant now (and we all were at some point!) doesn't mean you can't go read up on that shit ASAP. It's important to know what the