
White privilege is an acknowledgment that certain things are afforded or more easily afforded to white people than other races in this culture and in some around the world. There is also a such thing as male privilege, Western privilege (when people recognize you as American, you can get away with things other

No misogyny here! Just a crazy guy where his anger exists in a cultural vacuum!

Agreed. Was about to respond to Christina with the exact same thing.

That host guy... I was falling asleep by just how bored he looked and sounded. How the hell did he get a job as a facilitator of discussion when he looks like he's about to clock out.

As a black woman, I completely agree. Especially if white feminists feel they don't have enough knowledge on the subject. Not speaking may be the most responsible thing they could do besides recognizing their privilege and power and promoting someone (who can be white as long as they know what they're talking about)

I feel because Cox's picture is on TIME, it will get worse before it gets better.

But his views as a 17-year old were still in response to his parents' views, not because he thought them out well. He could have just found your parents' annoying or thought they sounded stupid and then ran far right with the basis for that behavior being rebellion. I did the same and then became a liberal when I grew

I agree with you but can you cut the rudeness out.

Ha! I'm a troll because I don't feel we should celebrate people's caving into society's horrible beauty standards? I didn't mean to insinuate they were vain without cause, that society was polite in it's beauty standards. And I wasn't bragging, mainly stating my situation since I feel that may factor into my point of

The major line ends when it possibly become life-threatening.

Exactly. And I really take issue with the "it's their body, let them do what they want" approach. Would any decent person say that to a crackhead? No, because they realize the detrimental effect crack has on people. I think of myself as relatively attractive so I understand I come at plastic surgery, especially

Yeah, I agree judging by these comments. Rihanna doesn't sound like that great of a person either from her past actions.

I agree. Especially if it involves a relationship similar to the rapist-rape victim relationship (for example, older man, younger woman perhaps). I think trigger warnings should just start out basic, like there's rape in this book, there's graphic racism in this book. And if the professor starts getting other requests

I keep seeing a lot of comments complaining about oh my news channel interrupts tv when it's raining, or boy cried wolf bullshit. THE ARTICLE ISN'T ABOUT THIS. Go bitch somewhere else. The article is about thinking about someone else for more than a two seconds. Jesus. I live in the Midwest and I remember being

Except if you have no knowledge of science, then you have no founding to base the snark that's been spewed in this article and others. I saw the title, started reading thinking this was going to be some crackpot assertions but the stuff seems like solid observations.

I completely agree. She seems to have a deeper and relatively acceptable understanding of race moreso than the average white person. And this opinion is coming from a black pessimist still annoyed about the hugo s and beyonce drama.

I never said anything about how joking about rape makes people think it's okay. I said joking about rape belittles the victims' experiences since rape isn't taken seriously to begin with. We take heart attacks seriously, we take the concerns of the patients who've had them seriously. We don't of rape victims. The

Although you're too immature to have a respectful discussion where someone disagrees with you, I really did find your reasoning interesting... but callous.

As I just posted to another commenter with the exact same reply: Would you be okay if someone joked about how your mother would explicitly be raped and then killed by a velociraptor? Would you feel the same? It's just something to consider when asking rape victims (especially men) who are already not taken seriously

This is interesting. Would you be okay if someone joked about how your mother would explicitly be raped and then killed by a velociraptor? Would you feel the same? It's just something to consider when asking rape victims (especially men) who are already not taken seriously anywhere in the world to believe that 1.)