
It's not that people are willing to ignore the facts of the "other side". It's that finally, there are an overwhelming amount of people who are more concerned about the wellbeing of the victim than the wellbeing of a town who covered up revered members of their community. I don't see you as a rape apologist, I see you

People didn't miss the point. They just felt that a town ignoring the rape deserved to be crucified. Most people here would agree that sending death threats or your young children are rapists messages isn't a way to handle things. But ok, the rape wasn't as bad as reported. The shits I have, I'm not giving because


I saw the emasculation/castration as a way to disrespect them in a way that everyone and not just an academic or feminist would understand. Manhood has been tied to a man's penis and his assertion of his masculinity. So for me, this ultimately was a sign of disrespect and I think it was driving home a point.

Beyonce is already a hypersexualized product where her looks/sexuality are more/just as important as her voice. That seems to be the fastest way to the top in the entertainment industry for women of all races unless you're a comedian and not considered classically beautiful (e.g., Mindy Kaling).

Why does this exist? This is disgusting.

You can remain anonymous while you ruin someone else's reputation. If people want to talk about it with their friends, alright but it's a whole nother story putting it on the internet for the entire world to talk about. This article seems to be written to imply a neutrality to

"short bus" fraternity = hilarious.

When people say offended people need to develop a thicker skin, I've frequently found that either one of two (or both) things are true: they've lowered their expectations of common decency from fellow human beings and or, they aren't directly affected and therefore have trouble deeply empathizing with the affected

Criticizing this man for his looks is giving him a taste of his own medicine. Don't live your life judging everyone else and yourself using two different measurements.

Of all the jobs out there, he chose this one. There is always moral decisions to make and often times the most high paying jobs/the easiest road is the one where you exchange your soul. I'm sure he could have found another job with his age and experience of some job he's been doing longer than I've been alive. I could

"It's really easy to believe that "nothing is sacred" when the sanctity of your body and your freedom are never legitimately threatened." <<< THIS.

I've never commented on here before but I've at least been following this blog for a year now and I just have to comment on this post so that you know how much support you have. I am SO SORRY, and disgusted, and saddened, and angered that this was written/said to you Lindy. Hell, I almost x'd out of the page because I