Prediction: People will still complain about balance changes in Blizzard animated films
Prediction: People will still complain about balance changes in Blizzard animated films
In a similar vein, this season’s episode “The Box” where Jake and Captain Holt interrogate the dentist who may have murdered his business partner. I found to be absolutely riveting, including a stunning performance with the dentist, vastly more dramatically successful than most interrogations on actual cop shows, with…
I felt that way about the first few episodes. Did you watch past the first season? It grows hugely into season 2 and 3.
Jesus Blizz, just announce far enough in advance which patch you will be playing on that people can actually practice. It’s like they’re so invested in the idea that they are pathbreakers in everything, including esports, that they refuse to learn from the best practices of others.
It sounds like the issue is not that they iterated on a powerful enemy to provide challenge later in the game, but that they picked the *wrong enemy* to iterate on because its kit does not support fun or interesting challenges for the player, but rather just basic reaction tests.
No, for the same reason it’s not okay to kill and eat animals.
Speaking as a Rein main we’re overdue for a period of time where Rein is not completely essential to every team, not because of heavy-handed nerfs, but just because more counterplay exists. Time to learn Orisa!
League of Legends has been using old patches for the LCS for as long as I can remember. They announce the patch the tournament will be played on three or four patches in advance. Why is this not the obviously solution that should have been instituted from the very beginning?
Right, her kit is so comparable to Torb it’s hard to understand why she ended up a support in the first place - except the ult being more utility than damage-focysed i guess.
... oh no, Blizzard does not get to claim they’re part of the non-existent genre “shooting game.” Guess they’ll have to cry themselves to sleep on their giant pile of money.
I got the impression that at least part of the snobbery was anxiety over Fortnite’s surge in popularity; online multiplayer games, and ESPECIALLY something that requires 100 players at once, suffer dramatically once the playerbase shrinks.
That is not dead which can eternal organize
I don’t think you’re being <i>irrationally</i> furious. This behavior is garbage and it’s hurting gaming and turning off people. Even if I was some asshole elitist who thought console Fortnite was only legit version, hey, this is a possible gateway to playing more shooters for a group that doesn’t usually play…
For a long time I assumed the “black people like fried chicken/watermelon” stereotype was simply because the black population was historically concentrated in the South, where fried chicken is an important food and most watermelon in the US is grown.
A water station is nearly universal at bars in Portland, OR. Giving you your card back is more mixed.
But Gita! What was your band’s name!?
I don’t see why his being flabby bears any relation to his being a worthless sack of crap.
When someone comes at you with a pan, you best pan back.
If it has a long healthy life, who cares if it dies eventually? Ultima Online influenced a lot of people even though it’s basically dead now. Broadway musicals can be great but stop running eventually. Some art is built to stick around, some is built to make an impact and then exit the stage. That’s just how it goes.