This is a major problem, and there is no "might" about it. There is a 100% chance that GPS will be jammed near these towers if the FCC lets LightStream push ahead without modification to their system.
This is a major problem, and there is no "might" about it. There is a 100% chance that GPS will be jammed near these towers if the FCC lets LightStream push ahead without modification to their system.
too bad you can't do anything with all those iPads. They're only for consumption.
Apple hired many of the Xerox PARC engineers that worked on the Alto to work on GUIs for Apple. They became apple employees.
i constantly hear about problems with cell phone providers adding additional capability in San Francisco and New York.
Dear China,
Dear Nerds,
Fscking George Bush. One day, we'll get a president that isn't a rights-stealing Hitler. GO AWAY GEORGE BUSH!
@Almightywhacko: doing shit with my phone and getting shit done with my phone in a friction-free manor is what makes my phone so great.
so, other than fsck with your UI, manage your running programs, enable you to edit your settings, allow you to root your phone....
about fscking time. I've wanted to see this since the minute Jobs showed iPhone 1. I am so in.
if you thought for one microsecond that someone leaving their cellphone on an airplane would cause the airplane to crash...
@kaffenated: Good evening, this is Babbages, my name is Steve can i help you? Oh sorry, we are all out of Super Mario Brothers 3. Thank you!
@commander_k: "asking for Philanthropy"????
I have a hard time getting worked up to buy something
@FriarNurgle: They're poisoning our precious bodily fluids... You've heard of flouridation, haven't you, Mandrake?
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: Yeah, but he couldn't figure out how to sideload the aptget file to his HTC Sprint Droid Eris Galaxy Verizon
Fuck that. We need to give lazy people a handout, not a hand up. We need to be as useless at pushing mankind ahead as Belgium - worrying about everyone who can't be bothered to get up and work.
someone, someday (i'm looking at you Apple), will realize that typing in portrait mode means the keys need to be setup like on the iPhone in portrait mode - that means, you split the keyboard so that you can thumb type while holding it with two hands - so the keys on the right are within reach of your right thumb, and…
Obviously, we need to do something about anthropogenic geologic change. Man is evil and is increasing geologic change, because there was no change in geology before evil man was here, and now, look at all this geologic change.