
While exact words are debated, it's generally accepted that Sheppard said "oh, Lord, don't let me fuck up."... Which is now known as The Astronaut's Prayer.

"It took almost four times (23 minutes 23 seconds) as long to encode a video than the Toshiba T235-S1350 (6:24). "

@Lacara: "just because i screw up sometimes is no reason to give up"... "its more of a process than it is an end point"

"It can do video calling over WiFi and 3G no sweat" if the service provider allows it.

No MiFi 1GB/$20 no contract?

Why do i know who Kanye West is, but i've never heard of this amazing, inspirational human being before?

The days of making so much money Playing a guitar so that you and your children could never have to work another day in their lives is over. I'm not sure I care. I'm not sure it's reasonable you can bang out some songs in one or two years of your life and then demand the world pay you in perpetuity.

@Spoony Bard: I didn't say "my way" was better. Where did i say that?

i would have used this about 10 times last weekend if it existed.

"My Mom"(tm) has been on Sprint for 10 years. She uses her phone like no one i've ever seen. more than 1500 minutes a month by herself.

If they don't offer $20/1GB no-contract service to everyone, there will be a lot of dead Verizon employees with display blackberries impaled in their foreheads after they explain,

its amazing to watch folks skilled in so many different areas - NASA and oil and water well drillers - be able to pull of something so fantastic.

your picture makes the AppleTV seem like a normal sized device.

i chose to live at 6950 feet ASL. intentionally. just in case they were right.

@JayhawkJake: you've never driven from California to Colorado. There's plenty of sun-drenched dirt for all the solar you'd want. You could also bury plenty of spent nuclear fuel for 100 years until we perfect fusion, at which point, you could use the power to launch the spent fuel at the sun to dismantle it into

nuclear fission reactions make absolutely no noise, and the weak nuclear force is the second greatest source of energy in the universe (the strong nuclear force being first).

wait. Isn't the science settled that we're supposed to be REDUCING our carbon output?

@Pressure: I reckoned you probably meant that, but it seemed a good occasion to note that the world is so big, we still haven't really had any affect from falling space stuff - even the shuttle breakup didn't do much *actual* damage...

@Pressure: Actually, it is quite the opposite.