
What in the world was that all about?

their fair share

Well, they probably know that they won't have much of a career after this show and have to make all their bank now while they can. This is likely going to be the peak of most of their careers. I mean, the Friends cast are all doing okay for themselves, especially Aniston, but probably not anywhere what they were

The first book in the series "The Real Story" was painful to get through. Not that it was bad, just... brutal. The subsequent books manage to utterly flip your perception of the characters. Hero/Villain/Victim - everyone takes a turn.

Cannot... stop... watching...

How does that stop them from holding down the home and power buttons to turn the phone off?

I'd go watch it, but I heard they make you constantly stand up and sit back down again during the movie.

Eh, piss drinkers are way less gross than Michele Bachmann.

"I avoided sex like the plague" At what point did you realize your parents had paid the psychic to tell you that? :-) That's a good way to get teens to be abstinate.

Sure. Let me apologize in advance for any late-night/stoner posts that appear funny to me at the time :-)

Yeah, this keeps happening. My photos is RIGHT THERE. Slash I feel like I reference myself as black with some regularity. Which tells me that no one reads or pays attention.

Sorry to hear about the pledge. That's pretty sad. I'm impressed you were able to maintain your composure and win the election! I've only dropped acid once, and it was a shitshow.

Can you elaborate on this? Was it a family funeral or are you a priest?

never banned, just bored and change em up is all .

mark, I know you're our non-threatening hipster friend, but did you ever consider that umm, maybe this wasn't a serious pick up line?

There, fixed it.

1) I am black. There's a picture of me right there.

Long live the