The Other Kardashian

Wow the sheer wealth in that photo is making me angrier than it should. Maybe it’s the fur. I’d just like to own a house someday.

Uh yeah, those girls are on drugs. Doesn’t mean they took them by choice, but they look high a beans in the first video in the article.

It’d be nice if you credited the ONTD user who first broadcast the story. And the many commenters who found pics and vids and grams.

This is the first time I’ve heard about this blogger and this article is the only context I have for whatever is happening, but it reminds me so much of the first episode of psychosis my sister had before she was diagnosed with schizophrenia. She started wearing outfits that could only be described as loud,

Not that I don’t agree with your general sentiment, but I wonder if it’s because this law is specifically targeting tech companies.

Hey Mickey, based on your username you are my neighbor. Me, I work across the street from Twitter. Twitter employees don’t venture out much and don’t support the local economy in the same way as non-tech employees. They don’t eat at restaurants — they eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner at Twitter. They get snacks at

I get that she didn’t approve the “that bitch part”.... but listening to that convo really... It just irked me, in a few months she’ll have another huge hit and all will be forgotten but until then I am going to be a horrible human being and enjoy all this.

I think this is carefully orchestrated. She knows the innocent act is getting old and she is rebranding herself as a tough lady.

That's what I thought too. She managed to appeal to almost everyone with the cats named after Olivia Benson, the feminism light, the gifts to random fans, etc., etc. but now there is both this and the Hiddlefake-fiasco. It's a little weird that she missed the mark so badly when she used to hit them with olympic

This is probably heading into conspiracy theory territory, but precisely because of that iron first control, I’ve been wondering if the lie about Kanye and the stuff with Hiddleswhatever not some sort of planned image change.

She believed her own hype. Because the Taylor versus Kanye story always went her way in the past, she thought it would continue that way.

Isn’t she racist too, though? Likes to date Nazi-sympathizers, that kind of thing?

This is all a publicity stunt and everyone is in on it.

I feel like it’s less that he looks like Kurt Cobain than that he’s TRYING to look like Kurt Cobain, which is probably worse.

I’m sorry you or anyone else has come to feel that way. :(
When I was a kid, we belonged to a health/tennis club. At 10 I remember being in the locker room and women went about naked in there like it was no big thing at all. Women of all shapes, sizes, and ages would shower, use the sauna and hot tub, do hair and

I’d like to think that she’ll never know because the alternative is heart breaking. Imagine going to the gym to improve or challenge yourself and you get laughed at by a fucking Playmate. If she does find out and speaks up, I hope she gets a big payout and lots of internet love.

I’m sure she was just making sure she gets a piece of Jagger’s estate when he kicks it in a few years. It seems incredibly selfish of both the gf and Jagger to me.

There’s nothing awful about it. People are allowed to care whether they know what to say or not.

Was he holding a newspaper up to confirm the date?

How does she suck the sex appeal out of every many she is with?