I wonder how much she got paid for an extra argument/cry scene
I wonder how much she got paid for an extra argument/cry scene
It’s hard to be the exact same age as somebody if you’re not the same age as them down to the year.
oh my god that sounds so fun.
I always had this dream of going to L.A. to become Lindsay's best friend, and save her from herself. But I know an hour in, and we'd be in Calabasas outside Kim Kardashian's house, fucked up on questionable cocaine, screaming out how she stole from us somehow.
I think Lindsay should position her book more as memoir/cautionary tale than self-help. I’m always glad to hear that she’s getting her shit together, but she’s not far enough out of the woods to really being doling out advice (not judging her for that either, very few people have both the distance and capability to be…
If Iggy Azalea humiliated easily we wouldn’t even know who Iggy Azalea is so
But are you guys still fucking or...?
Filliam H. Muffman beg to differ.
That is the weirdest brag I’ve ever heard. Has she never had sex when she/her partner is/are tired? How does she know she doesn’t like it if she won’t try it? When she’s by herself, does she insist on masturbating on all fours or something?
Wait wait wait.
She stomps around like a trucker.
Yes, of course they may. But not on a nationally televised talk show.
Fuck that. That’s their personal lives. I don’t like a lot of things others do that has zero affect on me and I wouldn’t dream of calling them out for it, let alone trying to shame them publicly.
Cool, the guy who works graveyard at the convenience store by my house just got bumped up to full time, so this is quite a week for big time movers and shakers.
I thought I met Beyonce once, I found out later it was just Streep. She wasn’t in blackface or anything—she’s just that good.
About two decades ago I was in a restaurant in Santa Monica and in walked Richard Simmons. He table hopped and talked to everyone (me included, he told me how handsome I was!) and finally he sat down. People in LA are a little jaded around celebrities, they do actually have to leave the house so you see them around…
I was in the same hotel as him twenty four years ago (as was Katy Seagal and Little Richard). I only had the briefest of interactions with him, and saw him in the lobby frequently. He truly did seem genuine and unaffected by his fame.
Does any business care about women? Besides the lucrative yogurt and heather grey yoga pants industries?
It’slike Tommy Wiseau heard about Scientology and said “That amazing! Maybe I can also have done that, maybe!”