
Yeah, I appreciate this article for that reason. If everyone who thinks they’re strong enough/smart enough not to join a cult actually was then there wouldn’t be cults.


Hon. Aimaway Fromface, III

Censuses are a HUGE source of information for genealogists. Some future ancestor could be looking for information on you for years, unable to find anything. Then, 72 years after it was taken, the census becomes public, and you are there in all your glory, sharing your story with your future family historian.

I really hate those questions and have never asked one, there’s a much better way to get the same problem solving results. Give the interviewee a real life scenario that will happen in the position they’re applying for and let them work that out.

Ironically, the review is very salty. I wonder if some music and lights would solve that.

I can’t recall the last time I measured salt.

I just can’t stop laughing. I mean what is next?

I do it with towels too. I check them out when I wash them, they start getting thin, they get cut up and put in the rag drawer.

Or doggie toys. My dog likes old shirts tied up into a knotted rope thing.

For those shirts, if they are the right material they can always be used as rags. The last time I stained wood I looked around for something to use and I ended up just pulling an old undershirt out of my dresser. The sleeve ripped right off and I tossed it when I was done with my project. I wouldn’t keep all of them

When I was ten I didn’t have bills...the answer! Huzzah! Haha.

Worse yet, some states (Maine, for example) have reciprocity with Arizona. So in Maine, which takes hunter safety rather seriously, if you’ve had an Arizona hunting license, you can get one in Maine even though the standards are way lower in Arizona.

“Best way to avoid accidents with guns... Get a good gun safety education and get your CHILDREN to gun safety classes “

Yup, due to something similar in early aughts with a healthcare site, I now have bookmarks for all identity-like accounts. I simply go to their bookmarked login, and then copy and paste the email’s url path (but less the domain) to logged in browser page.* Been doing this so long it would be very hard to get me to

This 100%. If everyone in your house doesn’t understand understand guns, how they work, and how to store them then you shouldn’t own any guns.

I hate these types of things. I also got an email that addressed me by name, and wanted me to click a link that looked a bit sketchy. The icing on the cake was that at the bottom it said “Kind regards, Your local utilities company”. Didn’t even say the name. SUPER SKETCHY. So I emailed the customer service from the

yeah i get those from mine too. student loan services also do that, but if I remember right they at least started including info in the From line now... but I also don’t ever read those messages so I might be mistaken does this same junk... I guess for privacy, half the message are reminders. Like why not just put that sort of stuff in the body?

“You’re gonna need a bigger boat.”

Oh! Phishing. My screen reader mislead me! : )

same here since 2010...simple, just show up and press play...