Thanks for that as well! Now we just have to get someone to get you out of the grays.
Thanks for that as well! Now we just have to get someone to get you out of the grays.
My wife is from Coahuila/Texas border area and agrees entirely. We decided to go to a Tex-Mex restaurant in Kansas City one year. Place was packed with güeros, and I looked like another one standing in line. My wife finally went and spoke to a waitress in Spanish and we were seated right away. I wasn’t offended. If…
My jaw just hit the floor at that comment... I think I’m going to need it surgically re-attached.
During a car burglary spree, we had a guy in our neighborhood have his gun stolen from his unlocked, parked-outside car! That was some serious irresponsibility, but that’s one way criminals easily get guns.
This grossly over-simplifies the concept, but “the only reps that count are the ones you really don’t want to do.”
On the other side, I get legitimate emails from my health care provider’s system to alert me that I have a new message to read. The FROM address and name nor the subject or email body give any indication whence this message originated. Something like:
it ain’t easy, but it is simple!
MY SOUL BROTHER!!!!! Thank you for braving inter-dimensional communications to bring me your message! My life is fulfilled!
Hey, thank you! :)
I had a ladybug infestation in my house years ago. Yeah, the first 4 are cute... the next 1,000 though...
I’ve been doing full rounds and mashups of P90X, P90X2, P90X3, Insanity, and Body Beast since 2010 (adding programs as they were released). I was also P90X Certified in 2012 and currently lead group x classes in that format.
I feel like this thread has united the Lifehacker community like none other.
The Life-Changing Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich (I made up that name). Seriously. I got a PB&J from a convenience store once in Kansas City. Whoever made this thing was “either a certified genius or an authentic wacko!”
When my health insurance company was breached, one of the first things they did was send our information to a credit watch company so that you could sign up for a monitoring account for free. I never signed up. I can’t be the only one who:
Chipotle is TexMex, so you’re not going to get anything REALLY spicy, just güero spicey. So their tomatillo red-chili salsa is mild compared to what you get at a Mexican restaurant.
Don’t sell socks in pairs.
How can one blame the effects of a tiny planet in our unremarkable solar system and completely ignore the fact that Sagittarius A* holds all galactic matter in its sway?
Claire, is your twitter pic of you in the bathtub eating chocolate? If so, I’m pretty sure if we went on one date, and you said you weren’t interested in a 2nd, it would screw me up for life!
Had one crawling up my arm the other day inside the house. Not sure where I picked it up. The dogs are treated, but I don’t know how that works; for instance, can they carry a tick for a while until the tick decides to jump off?