
This shows me where I tend to go wrong. It seems every time I try to empathize with an opponent, they come back with this idea that I can’t possibly understand their viewpoint: maybe because they’ve already made up their mind that I’m stupid, and they’ll say anything at all to prove THAT point rather than their actual

Thanks again. I just have one socket extender and joint with my existing sets, but I certainly see where this will be advantageous. The problem I run into more often are the battery connections on my zero-turn Cub Cadet mower. I’ve had to disconnect a few times and there is NO SPACE between the battery and mower! I’ll

Thank you for your time and explanations! I’m copying your reply into Evernote so that I can reference it.

agreed. A+ animation usage! I normally prefer click-to-start GIFs, because in the tech/programming industry, when you see a GIF on a blog site, you’ve just scrolled to it, so you have to watch it loop a couple of times before you realize where the start point is. The GIFs on this walk-through are very clear.

To those of us with an intro to Yoga via P90X, these will look familiar:


So, she pronounced her name “SHEEL-bee”? That would be memorable...

Hi Ali,

H. P. Lovecraft gets stolen from bookstores and libraries around here quite often.

TL;DR; Call everyone with whom you disagree a nazi and base their intelligence on their typos.

When I was studying Italian in college, a married couple in the class came back from their trip to Italy with footage of a Parmiggiano-Reggiano factory that they visited. The owner drove an hour to their hotel, picked them up, took them on a tour, and gave them cheese and proper utensils for cutting/serving it.

When I die my consciousness will be preserved in app form for $4.99 with all proceeds benefiting the Visigoths.

An app will NEVER replace someone like me (who likes to think he could be an editor, but really has no clue what he’s doing)!!

I would like this for Android Facebook (don’t judge me) and Pinterest (don’t judge me).

Hey thanks! I appreciate that! ... Now where’s mah discount!!?!?!?!?

I occasionally ask for the “Awesome Person Discount”... Apparently no one thinks I’m awesome.

B.C. Rich... I approve :-)

Wow, that’s a pretty crappy situation!

Just as you always assume a gun is loaded, assume your opponent is experienced. Anyone can get a lucky shot in. Training/knowledge only (significantly) increases your chances of victory over a less-experienced fighter.