
No, but I’m sure it would do fine. Hemingway seems to think anything under a 3rd grade reading level is really good.

I like to paste great literature into Hemingway and have it show how horrible it is.

I love nightmares. It’s like living in a horror movie. Although, last night’s was weird. I was Jewish during a Nazi invasion, got shot, pretended to be dead (I’m not Jewish), and then it would fast forward a decade at a time and I’d have to tell my story to someone. Then time started going backwards in a ballroom

Well, it wasn’t nearly as bad as the medieval practices performed by the ER to drain the hydradenitis. No anesthetic (rather, it failed to work).

I went in with hidradenitis suppurativa and tested + for MRSA a few days in. Unclear if I brought it with me or contracted it there, but it just lengthened my stay.

Dear Eric,

hmm, we have to make these MUCH MUCH shorter for the bros. So... let’s work on this.

the article recommends using Kenalog in Orabase, a dental paste that requires a prescription.

So, Kristin, your.. “friend” told herself she was pregnant then simultaneously avoided herself and apologized all the time... Veddy intedestink </Freud>

Well, you’re no fun! ;-)

If you REALLY want to put some sensitive skin to the test, try putting your eyelids on the pavement. This also works if you want to make sure your neighbors never invite you to anything ever.

Dang! Fail! OK, I need to try again.... This might take a while.

Kristin Wong wrote a post about writing objectively to avoid over-analyzing things. She must hate me.

My wife loves to cook, and I have no problem taking the week’s dinners to work for lunch. She doesn’t mind if I report back that a particular recipe doesn’t reheat well, but that’s a rare case.

Aren’t most of these bars basically candy? I had to look very hard for a bar that was actual food. Granted, it had the consistency and flavor of cardboard, but dangit, it was GOOD FOR ME!

Hey Eric, brave and bold post here. Thank you.

Nice find! Although, I don’t think it’s quite the same thing as replacing “so” with “very” in those cases would be quite awkward. Especially in the first instance where “so” is quantified by “as this” and the second “so” is done so by any previous explanation of the handicap (is that referring to the “curious

And how the word “so” came to have the same meaning as “very” is beyond me...

huh, interesting. This never occurred to me. In college, I took several years of French, German, and Italian simultaneously as part of my opera training (now before anyone “in the know” pipes in with “opera singers can’t act” I was an actor LONG before I started in opera). The classes were so long ago, but I aced them