
It's sad how many parents expect their kids to learn good behavior at school or church instead of putting forth such efforts as described here to raise their own children. You want something done right, you have to do it yourself. How many times have I heard, "I let my kids figure out things on their own and learn

I tell my clients to throw their scale out the window. Seriously, don't weight at all. Measuring your progress by the number on the scale is like measuring your net worth by the amount of change in your pocket. Get a seamstress' tape measure and take measurements.

I never make identity claims!

Is there a comprehensive study on this which includes people using different cases for different purposes over a length of time?

I've already said that I don't do Santa with my kids, nor do I lie to them or anyone else, so, swing and a miss on the hypocrite remark. I just think this whole conversation is another example of people blowing something WAY out of proportion.

Yup, exactly, so let's not let them climb trees, because they might fall and die. Let's not let them ride bikes, because they might fall and die or get run over. Let's not let them have an imagination at all because they'll eventually find out the truth and be completely crushed. Let's rip out EVERY infinitesimally

I believe you're right to a significant degree. People believe everything bad can happen to them. People are easily-amused and easily-frightened. Everyone has a soapbox now: "Don't let your kids climb trees, because mine did and fell out and died." That's awful, but how far are we going to go with removing a child's

That article seems to take an opinion of a bitter author, find a few minority examples (and absolutely no cited research) to bolster it and run with it. That's the way many such "let's change everything because it hurt a few people's feelings" campaigns work. Want to offend no one? Don't ever speak or have an opinion.

"It's teaching your kids that you're not trustworthy". Got any research to back that up? I'll put my vote in the percentage who never considered their parents untrustworthy because they did the whole Santa Claus/Easter Bunny/Tooth Fairy thing.

I'm just going to back away now... :-p

Question for the foodies... advantage of this over using my Cuisinart?

Yup, just like typography. Most people can't tell the difference between the 1,000s of different serif fonts out there, unless you're "in-the-know" and care about that sort of thing. I know about the differences you mentioned... they still look like guys in uniforms. The reason I chose a Hugo Boss tux over Armani was

Hey Aludra, thanks for replying. The trick is to step out of the box and not appear gay (i don't mean immasculine). I get hit on enough by guys as it is for some reason, so yeah, that's the trick. Stay classy, stay this side of metrosexual and not scream "HELL-OOO!!! I'M HERE BOYS!!!" I admit, I have a LOT fewer

Amazing how they can take the same 5 pieces of clothing and come up with a way to slightly alter them in a way to be acceptable for different types of situations. Suits look like uniforms to me. Even when I'd have to wear my Hugo Boss tuxedo to events, I still felt like I was wearing a uniform. I wish menswear was

Men's Jeans too! Sometimes it seems Levi Strauss Co. has a funny idea about how long 34 inches is... wait, 32! I meant 32!!!!

That's a good all-in-one solution. I've gotten so familiar with the nopCommerce platform (even developed some plug-ins) that I'm probably limiting myself to what they support, or what the community has created for gateway interfaces, or I suppose I could make my own gateway plug in for a gateway of my choice.

Hey Platy... I'm so overwhelmed by my LastPass list, ugh. I've made it through a few, but man this is a pain, especially if you have multiple accounts on a website.

It seems like 15-20 years ago, it was weird to be allergic to wheat, now all of a sudden, it seems like a ton of people are claiming wheat allergies: enough to make a gluten-free industry out of it. Doctors have told me that unless you have celiac disease, you're actually not allergic to it. Maybe I just see more of

Thanks? ;-)