
Jesus Buttfucking Christ, Marvel. It’s not that hard. Just recast Kang and explain it by calling the new one a “temporal aberration”.

They had recast Rhodey and even the Hulk without any in-universe explanation, so going full “Darren on Bewitched” with Kang isn’t going to require any extra steps.

Jonathan Majors must

It’s weird that they built an entire show around how Loki variants DON’T ALL LOOK LIKE TOM, but all of the Kang variants need to look like Majors? This is the easiest out ever, they could have just had a couple look like him and introduce replacements during the build up... starting with Loki season 2.

I mean, convoluted is an understatement.

As if most corporations haven’t been doing this for many years now. Bizarre how little attention “reputation management” services get.

Because she’s an attentionwhore and we, as a species, shouldn’t just platform everybody. It draws out all the narcisists.

Does this even work? I googled “vaginal yeast as starter”, first result is a Jezebel article from 2012 about how it doesn’t work. The second result is from The Order of Yoni website about how it definitely does.
I don’t much care about the ick factor - you’re either into or not, don’t yuck anyone’s yum. I’m more bummed

They were straight up making it up as they went along those first few movies.
“Killer is an old woman!”
“NO! It’s a guy with a sack on his head!”
“NO! It’s a guy with a hockey mask!”
“NO! It’s a different guy with a hockey mask!”
“NO! It’s the original guy with a hockey mask, but now he’s a zombie!” 

bruce willis was always the coolest movie star and this slow degradation is heartbreaking. i’m just gonna pretend he went out on top in 2011 with looper and moonrise kingdom and then retired.

Does he have a specific cutoff of how much money is too much to spend on a film or is it just however much he’s personally spending that’s the good amount? Like I’m sure we can find someone willing to argue that Borat also cost an obscene amount of money to make and they could have just given that money to more

I think “Vince Gilligan attempts to find diplomatic ways of putting down stupid as fuck story pitches until eventually his sanity cracks” should be an ongoing series.

If she wanted to be paid on performance, she could have asked for royalties. As it turns out, she wanted guaranteed money. As such, how well the game did is of no concern to her. If you want to be rewarded when something does well, you need to be prepared to be punished when it fails.

If you think any form of unemployment is a stress-free, kick-back holiday, you have never been unemployed.

really depends on the files. 1 file containing everyone’s address/emails/CC numbers etc is all it takes to become a big deal. Not saying this is the case this time but it was in the last breach they had. The quantity of the files don’t matter so much as the data quality

Pro-Tip: Your “funny” “original” “cool” menu hack is just an easy way to ask the 16 year old making it to make sure they spit in it. Just fucking order off the damn menu.

If you’re lucky, and if the employees at the particular restaurant are accommodating (don’t be a jerk if they’re not!), you’ll be able to order the McBrunch Burger.

By the standards of the modern AV Club, barely half a thesis is an abundance!

The mandate was also only in effect for about a year for the film industry so it seems hard to believe that’s the only reason she was broke.

“I hope you’re never in the fucking position I’m in.”

That position being, refusing to protect yourself and others from a deadly pandemic, at the expense of your career, and then acting like YOU’RE the victim?

Thankfully, I will never be in the fucking position you’re in.

Keeping his head down and staying out of it.  Which honestly, is the best move.

Top 10 Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis Apologies Slideshow