
These so called toxic workplaces just sound like workplaces from my experience.

I don’t really know who this person is, but looking at his former roster I can make an assumption. All of his clients are artists whose relevance is fading now that they’re in their 30’s or beyond. They’re going to need talent management from someone who didn’t cut their teeth on an Entourage-like business model.

You would have more free time if you just played Destiny instead of commenting this on every article. No one cares that you don’t care about Destiny. If you really didn’t care you could just ignore the articles?

Oh honey, if they were cowards they wouldn’t have bought your little show to begin with or given you a four episode wrap up after cancelling it. This is just cold hard reality. It wouldn’t make any sense to waste money for micro-season that wouldn’t air for a good year or even two at this point.

1) There’s no reason to take anything Musk says seriously.

I think the strikes accelerated the situation, but it’s more likely that this is the predictable result of Netflix and Prime spending ungodly amounts of money on original programming for way too long. I remember seeing some of these nine-figure budget announcements and wondering how the hell they could afford them.

Surprise, surprise... The collection that doesn’t say it will upscale or modify the games in any way isn’t upscaling or modifying the games!

Obi-Wan was just absolutely tied up in knots by the existing continuity. It’s not just that we know Obi-Wan and Leia will be okay, it’s that there was a long list of things that couldn’t happen — characters who couldn’t meet each other, knowledge that couldn’t be revealed, battles that couldn’t happen — without

Why was the adult STILL under a conservatorship?

The argument also seems to ignore the fact that the EU and China have EV targets that are around the corner. Those countries alone account for 2 billion people in the world. How someone can ignore that and claim it’s a fad makes it sound like this article was written by someone’s crazy uncle at a thanksgiving dinner. 

Yeah, it seems like most people missed the brief completely, including the author who then compiled a list of grievances rather than dying trends.

I’m white and grew up in Alabama. I’m personally rejoicing over it because a bunch of dumb white assholes got the shit kicked out of them by a group of Black people who were not having it. It’s no more complex than that from where I’m sitting. I bet I’ve watched it twenty times, and I’ll probably watch it again

Yes, it went back and to the left. Back and to the left. Back, and to the left.

So, what he’s saying is, nothing compares 2 her

I don’t think the sudden massive price spike for collectible video games is money laundering, it smacks of bogus sales by a group of insiders trying to pump up the market.

“A big factor in deciding to sell was I really liked the mystery box idea; it was appealing to me that a collector will eventually own the most coveted Funko item for $15.”

I just truly believe it’ll sell for much more someday

Elon Musk, internet colonialist.

Then you show up early and get a spot close to the stage.  You don’t go pushing your way through a crowd because you were too lazy to show up early.  Sucks to suck and they deserved to embarrassed. 

They got mixed up and were partying all night and rock ‘n rolling during the day.