
Now, he’s a popular star and the founder of the company, so I’m not surprised they let him back there...”

It seems unusual, though, that a company would give that away, no? Most times things 'created' as an employee are property of the employer. Also, he is no longer an active wrestler so this is, in essence, retroactive. Even stranger.

Jared Leto is an honorary member of my “Mark Wahlberg: Why Do They Keep Casting This Guy?" club. It's very exclusive.

Wonder how they’re gonna handle this on Curb? He has been there since the start.

Any hope I had left the room when you said she was an assistant director on Old. That was one of the most laughably bad movies I watched last year.

I am reading the book right now. So far not a single mention of (semi-spoiler?) “Friends” or even the daughter on an iPad. Seems it was added by NetFlix.

I hope so, but really it comes down to a CGI-fest. You have a rock guy, so that’s already clunky. A fire guy, so all cgi. Someone who gets stretchy. Sadly an invisible-ish woman seems the least likely to look bad.

Literally the only thing to look forward to is Adam Scott guest-starring on the "How Did this Get Made" episode for this film.

I see one character, maybe two tops, who could sustain an entire movie. All the rest could not headline anything good or otherwise box office-worthy. They’re all supporting characters at best, and that is charitable for several.

The article is four paragraphs of, surprisingly, spoiler-free content. Which begs the question--why is this even an article?

Who is this poor excuse of a story actually for? Do people really care if one of the (if not THE) most successful recording artists of all time has two jets? She has a ton of money. So what?

Saw the headline and wondered by Gizmodo was covering fictitious weather classifications. Then saw it was a story from Grist and wondered by Gizmodo is just reprinting stories from another site about fictitious weather classifications.

Me reading the headline: Just a prelude for moviegoers.

Is anyone going to tell Carano that she’s a terrible actress and Disney did us all a favor by not bringing her back anyway?

It’s almost as if Wonder Man is there as connective tissue for Zemo and Trevor Slattery only.

Is that how she was able to be convincingly attracted to the goofy Vince Vaughn in Wedding Crashers?

Shouldn’t this be on and not Kotaku?

I dunno, I think the more dangerous precedent was allowing a corporation's footprint to be designated as a special district in the first place.

My wife does a majority of her shopping on Prime, so we’ll keep it regardless. However, I wholly admit that of all the streaming platforms we have, Prime is at the bottom of the list of a) interesting content; b) what we actually watch.

If you have never played D2, don’t jump in just for the cosmetics. It is such an unwelcome and confusing game for new players. This very site talks about it all the time.