

TL; DR - the only thing we *know* know is it won’t be called the Switch 2.

Because it’s Taylor Swift, and she is the ultimate symbol of purity and all that is good and perfect in the world. Or something.

This whole article seems to boil down to “we figured out how much force it takes to rip apart a proton.”

This needed to be a slideshow?

My niece literally cried when she didn’t get one in her stocking for Christmas. Caused a chuckle from those of us who were there.

Maybe it's time people start realizing Leo isn't as good as they think.

Sorry, I had to lol at “the self-checkout process can be so cumbersome.”

Harsh take, but Jennifer Coolidge should not have on for White Lotus. She was one of the worst characters in the first season, on a show full of terrible people. When she showed up in the second season, I also didn’t watch it, and her super dumb shtick got old real fast.

She was Anthony’s co-host on a game show literally no one asked to be revived, To Tell the Truth. I’m not sure what credentials got her on that show, though, other than being Anthony Anderson’s mother.

Someone's high on themselves.

I dunno, I think the mythology of Jeremy Strong was stronger than his performance as Kendall Roy. His delivery of dialogue rarely swayed further than what appeared to be a bewildered "Well, uhh, yeah, I, umm, well, you, yeah, uhh, uh-huh, right, yeah, umm, okay."

Unpopular opinion, but Grogu should have stayed in season one as the “goal” of that season only. Mando should have had one overarching mission for each season.

Serious question: Could Taylor Swift have been nominated for “Best Original Song for a Motion Picture?”

I’m in no way the target audience for looking at people standing still in “fancy” apparel, so I’m not going to look through 135ish slides. Ever. But if you want to try and get people to do just that, you should never start out with as unsettling of a pic as that Ricci one.

Just give me something good to watch on network tv each evening. I’m tired of reality tv and shitty gameshows. There is nothing new or current that is any better than watching Everybody Loves Ray re-runs.

Meh, I’ll just start picking up my physical media across town and Circuit City. Oh, wait...

“I'll take 'Obvious Shit' for $200, Ken."

No kidding, I was reading this wondering "who are these people?"

Sounds like Ralph Ineson doesn't want to work in film anymore.