
I still have my old Italian grandmother’s Vitamix from the 30's or 40's. Glass and metal and one knob. It works like a beast. The thing is bulletproof, and the only thing I have to do eventually is upgrade the cord so I don’t set fire to my kitchen LOL.
So no surprise that Vitamix is so popular.

I still have my old Italian grandmother’s Vitamix from the 30's or 40's. Glass and metal and one knob. It works like

Seriously, if Hillz would just do this at the upcoming debate and not just pummel the Orange Mop with facts and figures*, she’d sew up the election.
*which the media will suggest makes her look ‘bitchy’, because smart women are scary, donchaknow

So true--I always sigh when friends would go for that girl or guy and they would be shocked when it would end disastrously, as if THAT wouldn’t be the eventual outcome.

Amen to this a thousand times. If I want drama, I’ll turn on the Tee-Vee.

I recall Bill Maher (I think?) saying something re: the fact that most of the time, these asshats fail miserably at pulling off their ‘fly home to [enter make pretend cloud person here]’ stunt.
This guy is especially a piece of shit, since it appears he had no intention of taking himself out along with any potential

Didn’t you get the memo? Only people with darker skin tones are capable of heinous crimes.

He sounds nice.

This year has truly sucked; friends and family and celebrities I actually like all leaving this mortal coil, not to mention the Orange Mop invading everyone’s world. UGH
And The Sound of Music is forever one of my favorite movies ever, too. Someday I HAVE to attend one of the singalongs.

She’s a notoriously tough boss to all who work under her media empire. But if my name were on the masthead, sure for sh*t I would expect those 23 year old English majors working for me, who think they’re above the fray of production schedules and deadlines because someday they will complete their Great American Novel

Yes to this a thousand times.


Like TwoFairy, I am all the tears now. :-D

Thank goodness Wow is here to explain how stupid we all are!

I like the fact that the E&Y douchecakes are reacting like the vast majority of accountants I encounter--squirmy and incapable of smiling without it appearing forced and pained. LOL


Ugh, believe me, if you’re a gal who has played guitar for longer than any of the derps at [name of any guitar shop here] have been alive, it’s the guitar duuuudes. So annoying. No, I am not looking for a new strap for my folk guitar, and I probably have amps that weigh more than you.
I really wish they would figure

This is fabulous.

Oh dear. You have my sympathies. I confess that my dear mother’s passing earlier this year had one up side—she can’t vote for ‘her guy’ Drumpf now.