
We have those—they definitely help. But it never fails that some dummies in trucks or SUVs think they can ignore the warnings and unsurprisingly get themselves into trouble.

Sounds more republican/tea party asshole to me. Most of the hybrid owners where I live are tea-party turds.

I always shake my head watching asshats in their enormomobiles try to navigate the always-flooding trestles in our town. They think they are immune to large, raging insta-lakes, and surprise! They’re not.

So very true!

OMG love this. Thanks for the laff!

Who is that person in Ms. Theron’s body and what has she done with her face?

Late-stage American capitalism has a way of taking otherwise nice things and jacking them up until they’re a grotesque, barely recognizable caricature. (For examples, see: organic food, yoga, Christianity, salad.)

Just here to say this is great. Hee

HAAAAAAAA I heartily second this suggestion.

What galls me is, that after over 30 years working in various industries, most CEOs are fucking asshats, surrounded by sycophant assistants and board members, completely devoid of any vision other than padding their own bank accounts before they skip off into the sunset.
(See Jack Welch/Chainsaw Al Dunlap/CARLY)

This made my day—hysterical. Thank you for braving that crowd.

LOL I was just about to type nearly the exact same thing. Hee!

Ancient? Ancient? I remember them airing!

LOL I know, we used to ‘collect them all!’ in various overly bright unnatural shades. When I think back, just, OMFG EWWWWW.

They’ll never understand it. These people are much like their hero Nader, incapable of thinking in terms other than black & white.

I always figure him as a slob, but definitely agree on the intolerable ass part. He also seems so bloody humorless. Sexuality has nothing to do with it—he’s just a putz who at one time did some good (not always though) and now can’t just STFU and admit to himself that his day has passed.

Tim Gunn is fabulous. Just fabulous. I love that quote.

LOL OMG you’re correct—WTF DONALD? What child ex-model is doing your signage?

So are you saying don’t vote at all? Because I would rather vote and try my best to keep the evangelicals, racists and crackpots from coming out in force and taking the white house because the candidates on the Dem side aren’t absolutely perfect from every angle. Voting still matters. It’s not like we have a voice in

This is exactly my argument whenever people go on & on that a ‘business man/woman’ could be an effective president.