
LOL Seriously, it has ever been thus. Jane really did get it so well.

LOL we have a tuxedo who did the same thing to our dog when she was a puppy! Haaa!

Does Henry play those Pauls behind him?
Is one of them a mid-70's Studio? I had one eons ago and occasionally miss it. Well, my back doesn't miss it, but still...

" you really think that she's in heaven checking on her Facebook page?"

OMFG I feel so sorry for you. We know a few folks who do this crap, too—it's ridiculous and self-centered and they obviously don't care about your feelings—you-her husband!
Someone posted some dedication to my dad—an atheist his entire life—about him swimming with the angels and Jesus and whatever and I wanted to

OK, I admit it—I love these warmers.

Oh I will NOT be wearing this on the slopes. WTF?
Good to see the snow-bunny booties are making a comeback. LOL

We better be ready to trot this out again in 2016.
RIP, Lesley. May you join up with Larry and his bass and have a bit of a jam—he's been waiting.


I love those pants. LOVE.

OMG tears rolling down my face. The winner, hands down.

I think that's hysterical!

Fox news has to have some method to vet their possible on-air talent.

THIS. A thousand times!

Yeah, he was definitely pushing into uncomfortable squelching. That smooth transition from chest to head is a deal breaker for a lot of singers.

Hozier definitely was schooled on Elton John's best work. And that's not a bad thing at all.

Ooooh. LL...

They are unholy things.

Available as a stompbox, so every wanna-be no-talent can grace their local stage.