
She is, according to folks at OM—a warpath, barn burning meanie.
But still, I can't help but like her on some level. LOL

This gif is awesome. She may be the queen of mean to work for, but holey moley, she is fabulously able to laugh at herself. And pound on a 40. BWAAAAA

As a Graphic Designer, I applaud your statement.

That's exactly my impression of nearly all these folks who have work done in their 30's. Sigh. Why can't we just celebrate natural beauty?

Now playing

That was what I first noticed, too. And Esme Marshall was the modeling IT girl for dark, full eyebrows. She was everywhere in the late 70's/early 80's.
This was a cute attempt, but as mentioned, not very accurate. It also obviously took cues from the Ingrid Whatshername video for "Blood Brothers'.

So well put.

Agreed—we used to get into bars at 14. The boys our age normally couldn't, because for the most part, they still looked like kids. Nothing like a little makeup and tight jeans to get you in the door back then. It was fun, but definitely fucked up.

She's about my age, so I am not at all surprised re: age checking. No one did that in regards to bars, R- or X-rated movies, buying cigarettes. The only thing that seemed in place was that we underaged kids couldn't buy booze. Other than that, it really was 'open season'.
UGH. This whole thing is so sordid. Jesus,

Awww, I liked Spacehog. :-)

So much of it is sadly coming to pass (i.e. the entire Bush presidency), but so funny in a "OMFG IT'S HAPPENING" way.


She had a ripped nail—but healed with aplomb. :-)

Beautifully put.

I always feel that dogs should have a lifespan like parrots do. It's unfair, imo.

Rainbow Bridge, dear Spartacus. May you frolic with all our devoted, awesome friends.
Burntiggerburn, my thoughts will be with you and your pup.

So pretty.

This is me, too. :-(

Apologies for the ginormous size. Our sweetie, recently mending. Dogs are the best people.

Perfect. All of your post wins the internet.

I'll never forget their endless attacks (loudly proclaimed by their patron saint Limbaugh) of Amy Clinton—attacking a child. Despicable.

Her god-phone must have a terrible connection.