
Don't forget—
That Obama has unleashed Ebola on us in order to kill us off for Allah.
That every black person is threatening to steal your 187" teevee and kidnap your daughters, so shoot first and ask questions later.
That people are coming over the border to take away that job that you so wanted cleaning bathrooms at

YES TO THIS. A thousand times over!

Those Betty Ford style republicans are on the endangered list, replaced by a bunch of clueless, greed-infused, evangelical sorority breedingbots. And that's a damn shame.

"Because I am unhelpful and like to make things up:"
I love this sentence. Love love love it. Thank you for it. I may use it in conversation, but will always give full attribution. :-)

Silly girls! Gettin' all hysterical over nothing!

"and you can give them Gospel tracts and tell the story of how every ghost, goblin, witch and demon was trounced the day Jesus rose from the grave. "
Well, now everyone knows not to stop by Kirk's house trick-or-treating.

That phrase is instant admission into asshole-land. People defending her is odd, IMO.

I would insert a clappy gif here if I had one easily in reach. :-)

Apparently we're not allowed to feel that way anymore, lest we be accused of 'slut shaming' by suggesting it's tacky and rude.

Always with the lemon face. ALWAYS.
Well, not anymore, I suppose.

Robin Wright with a dollop of Daryl Hannah's old face (before she mucked hers up).

I know. So easy on the eyes, yet soooo stupid. Ah well, this is in keeping with his ads for that fuglymobile for Lincoln.
Jennifer Garner said it so well—just pitch perfect. BRAVO.


A million stars for you.

They probably need Stacey London and Clinton Kelly to drop by and school them on how to suggest flattering clothing for the body you have (which is YOUR BODY AND IS JUST FINE). I really miss those two.

With you there. How dare we have fulfilling lives! Isn't it against the law if you're over a size 4?

I fucking hate people who shame other folk's —especially strangers—food choices. Who the hell does that? Who taught them that that is acceptable behavior?
There was a guy I worked with who did this to everyone in the office. It's off the scale in terms of smug douchiness.

I was a natural blonde until my late 40s. Now it's some horrid mousy brown with flecks of gray. If it went all gray I would LOVE it. If it were a pretty brown, fine. But since it hasn't gone either of those routes, hello Loreal.
I never knew it was a grow-out-of type of thing—the more you know!

Cuffed culottes for ample thighed gals?

Those people in the preview—ugh, could they be any more shallow.