
Considering he's lucky to have a career (IMO, of course—I think his crap is just that—crap), he really should can the Don't You Know Who I Am? act. Honestly, who the fuck arrives 45 minutes before a flight in modern times? LOL

I will share this with friends who look at me as if I'm insane when I'm using the pen tool.

However, I still hate Illustrator's version of the pen tool. Freehand had a much more intuitive version; every time I use Illo, I curse the wretched thing.

I confess these made me laugh my head off.

You sound like my hubby. A gentleman. Happy to know some still exist.

I'm suddenly recalling Sophie's Choice.

Yes to this.

Thanks for the info (300 hundred pugs? YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYAYAYAAAAAA....)!
I may have to RISK IT! :-)

He really is (still!) adorable. Loved that dance, so fun and full of energy. Just fabulous!

May I join you? I can run in my sensible, cool boots and sneakers, too. And my big ole comfy cargo-y pants, with loads of pockets for carrying zombie-killing implements.

OMFG keep me back. Keep me back. The squee would make my head explode (and sadly I can't bring another dog in to the household at the moment).

I second (and third) this.

That's perfect.

That's us. We're always running around, killing people who aren't like us, always trying to shove our agenda down everyone's throats. UGH

YES! I salute you, sir or madam.

Haaa! And really, what do these particular ass-backwards fuckturds have to be angry about? Did she run out of glitzy beads for her Bedazzler and the HobbyLobby was closed?

With you there. The dick grab is just stupid to me. Uh, yeah, you have a penis and it's still attached. We get it. We know what it does.

Haaa. I happily have a hubby who understands my love of French sequential art from the 70s (it doesn't hurt that there are usually boobies all over it), and an awesome dad who gave me 'Twisted Sisters' Vol 1 as a birthday gift when it first came out. I'm also the first one to pull out the soapbox and rant re: comics

This is fabulous news! She's a damned fine artist and writer. This gives me happy dance feet today. :-)

Exactly the same sizes, just flip it around. No amount of long distance running or anything else ever shaved me down to wisp-thin, it just isn't in the cards for me. BUT I STILL WEAR CLOTHES, IMAGINE THAT.
My problems are soooo many 12/14 pants that have a huge waist and not enough fabric in the legs or butt. WTF? And

This sounds like some of the 'she hasn't responded' dude responses on the OKCupid rant. LOL