
With you there. The dick grab is just stupid to me. Uh, yeah, you have a penis and it's still attached. We get it. We know what it does.

Haaa. I happily have a hubby who understands my love of French sequential art from the 70s (it doesn't hurt that there are usually boobies all over it), and an awesome dad who gave me 'Twisted Sisters' Vol 1 as a birthday gift when it first came out. I'm also the first one to pull out the soapbox and rant re: comics

This is fabulous news! She's a damned fine artist and writer. This gives me happy dance feet today. :-)

Exactly the same sizes, just flip it around. No amount of long distance running or anything else ever shaved me down to wisp-thin, it just isn't in the cards for me. BUT I STILL WEAR CLOTHES, IMAGINE THAT.
My problems are soooo many 12/14 pants that have a huge waist and not enough fabric in the legs or butt. WTF? And

This sounds like some of the 'she hasn't responded' dude responses on the OKCupid rant. LOL

Why? What...why....


These two certainly give off those red flags even without the jerseys. They look like the types that have 'Fear This' fake Calvin-pissing stickers on their big ole truck (that they never use as a truck).


Corporate bathrooms are THE WORST. I worked in factories for years and a number of corporate places for just as long. Large office environments—always disgusting. The factory folks, however, seem to get that they shouldn't expect some poor soul to clean up after them to that level, while the corporate turds assume the

Haaa I love 'apparently' too, and use it and 'aspect' wayyyyy too often. APPARENTLYCLUB4LIFE

So true...we have my mom's 1951 Electrolux that she bought on layaway, and as far as I know her mom's Electrolux that my brother has is still going strong. Those canisters were built like tanks! Hoovers used to be good, but the modern ones suck. Or don't, as the case may be. Hee.

What the whaaaaaaat? Who let my mother loose? This looks like stuff she'd love to own.

I know! Instant heart expansion.

OMFG who's cutting the damn onions?
What a pretty baby. Dogs are the best people.

Suddenly Patti Smith and Blondie came to mind, and brought me a smile. Two gals who are still pretty damn cool.

That would make me like them. LOL
The VMAs. Ugh. So many industry jackasses and their spawn in one place. Oh to drop a bomb.

Sadly I work in an estrogen filled Petri-dish with women waaaaaaay past their mean-girl sell-by date and they haven't moved beyond it at all. Sigh.

I looooove this. Love, love, love.

I have never seen GOT, but this scene makes me want to watch it. In the meantime, the next time some horrid brat is misbehaving in a restaurant (meaning the next time I'm IN a restaurant), I will replay this gif in my head.