
Oh yes—that's it for me. Fucking powerful, unspoken and angry; they really got that right, I think.
And while I usually like-really like!!-Sally Field, she's hella annoying in this movie, to me at least (when I'm NOT CRYING).

I can't get enough of Beetlejuice now. It has held up remarkably well—still hiiiilarious and ridiculous and fun.


That would be wonderful, wouldn't it? If this seemingly endless array of whoever-they-are celebrities (I have no idea who this girl is, for I am an olds) took a page from Angelina, or Audrey Hepburn or Bridget Bardot, they would be much more compelling, and would be doing good works.

"You see? Your stupid minds! Stupid! STUPID!"

It's another Ducky Momo kind of day. Sigh.

I will help you.


I bet you're correct.

The police in my town are too busy watchig p0rn on their laptops and eating donuts behind the stores on the green.

This is a great idea. My dear departed dad gave me his car-window hammer thing when he knew his time was up, and he would appreciate my using it in this manner. I just hope I never have to.



They just don't know how to use Photoshop. So many of those freelance sites are filled with amateur-hour level people claiming to be graphic/web designers (their CV's usually have every software package/every code application ever created listed on them, with their skill level for each described as 'expert'). It would

Sounds like the PR women in my office.

Awww, I grew up near Pike Creek. Who knew there was a Miss Pike Creek (who could be stripped of her royal vestments)?. THE MORE YOU KNOW.
In all honesty, though—officials should have caught that basic math glitch regarding her age and saved everyone the heartache.

You made my day using the correct term! I once asked at WF re: the tare for the containers and they OF COURSE just gave me the stink eye.

Fave t-shirt spotted at a race:
"Instant asshole: just add BMW"

No Pants Wednesday
Someone needs to name a band that, please.

That's exactly my problem, too. I'm pretty tall, but the proportion sadly isn't long-legged tall. LOL