
I ted to think that they want to be their kids BFF/they worry about the scorn their little consumer will face from all the other little consumers/they lavish the kid with crap to buy their love?
It baffles me, it really does.

I was riding my bike and fishing with boys and girls at that age, and what little 'sexual tension' (if you could even call it that) existed was on the periphery and not the norm.
Gawd, I feel old.

Yes to that. Think of it as a way to cull the herd. :-)

Pretty much what my friends and I did back in the day, but I really feel for girls in the landscape today. And the boys, too. Everything is so sexualized in our culture, so coarse and crass and meanspirited, that I fear it's a game nobody wins.

It's all good...I blame Kinja for it's craptastic interface! :-)

The more things change, the more they are the same. :-/

Wow, I wasn't even referring to you. Your post was actually one of the helpful ones.
There were some folks who were getting a bit high falutin' and were basically claiming that anyone who didn't know the character (or recall him) were closet racists. Those are people I was referring to.
Time for everyone to chill on

Peanut Butter...more than Ambrosia, the food of the gods.

There are a boatload of radio announcers who turn up the compression to fuck-awful levels and you can hear Every. Mouth. Sound.
I'm looking at you, NPR.

OMFG the Twix ads, my rage knows no bounds. I HATE THEM.

I hate that type of sound, too—I always think of that godawful movie 'Kids', where every five seconds the characters/actors/real people/whatevers were slurping away on each other. I found that to be the most disgusting part of the film, even over the general stupidity of it.
<<running off to read about misophonia>>

Dogs are the best people.

Thank you, I agree wholeheartedly. I will not be out & about after any workout, ever. Ughhhhhh.

LL Bean has those flannel ones, but they're cut like mom jeans from Hell, so I avoid them.

Good gawd. $40 for what looks like an edged bolt of fabric from Joann's.
Honestly, they barely try, don't they?

I'm with you. I love cargos and still wear them where I can. Jeans with a bit of Spandex are better, but the super-tight thigh thing is not comfortable. I know—cargo yoga pants!

Wins for Bjork video. Always. :-)

BYW, thanks for the reminder of who the heck he really was (couldn't edit, thanks to Kinja's mysterious ways).

So some of the finger-waving 'You're an idiot if you don't know who Harpo is' crowd apparently don't seem to know who the character Harpo is, either.
Interesting irony there.

But calling someone 'ignorant' because they have not read a particular book of reknown, or watched a classic film, or familiarized themselves with a famous work of art, or listened to a significant score is presumptive, and to be honest, rather rude.
Wouldn't it be much more effective to suggest the book, and mention