You and people like you should be set on fire and thrown off buildings and I have no shame in admitting it
You and people like you should be set on fire and thrown off buildings and I have no shame in admitting it
Read the last 11 words a little more carefully.
I’m all for principled stands, but why can't a well-known athlete bite his/her tongue, stand in front of a bunch of cameras and meet the President, and launch a freedom rocket or two right in his eye?
Lol, this guy is such a dumbass! Stop trying dude. You’ll never be like Bette Midler, who DESTROYED Trump after, umm, getting called out for posting a demonstrably false quote, but then, ummm....was all like “Oh yeah, but you lie TOO, like EVERYDAY” and it was like OOOHHH, fucking BURNED DRUMPF! You could never live…
Yeah. I actually liked him more as I read down through his tweets. So that kinda backfired.
Nothing is ever good enough right guys?
This is so dumb.
Admittedly, my social life consists of conquering the world on Crusader Kings II, but . . . I’m not seeing a lot here to complain about. I mean, yeah, the homophobia-is-a-symptom-of-repressed-gay-status was officially played off by American Beauty, but mostly I see the corny guy who kind of knows he’s corny in those…
He seems like an alright dude to me.
Counterpoint: No, he doesn’t. He’s a genuinely good person who is imperfect, like everyone is, but is actually willing to learn and grow.
Counterpoint: This was and remains Good.
It is deeply, deeply embarrassing to see so many gamers up in arms about Epic daring to compete against Steam by - perish the thought - paying more to developers, but not at all surprising.
I’m glad we’re still litigating this in every single comment section, because we all very deeply care about your thoughts on digital storefronts.
Example: I asked my very rigid boss if I could leave an hour early for a doctor’s appointment. She told me to take an hour of sick time along with a reminder that the work day is 9-5. Okay then. A few weeks later, she asked me an urgent question on Saturday of a three day weekend. I responded to her first thing…
Bran wargs into the dragon burns everybody then puts wheels on the iron throne and rolls around Westeros creepily staring at people.
I don’t like the execution, but if people didn’t think Dany would end up being the villain, they never understood the show they were watching.
Boomer culture is not culture at all, but is in fact chotskies, American flag and eagle murals, stick-on fender badges, fiberglass 350 Fords, kids-pouting-against-a-car props, Walmart hubcabs on 1965 six-cylinder Mustangs with retrofitted 1990's Chrysler minivan cup holder center consoles, Crossfires with AMG badges,…
As a Gen X-er, you’re wrong. We got fucked by the boomers in every way imaginable. We’re tired. Our parents still won’t fucking retire and are still telling us how to vote. We get told we’re stupid for wasting our money on shit that they would never buy or don’t understand. They told us that “you can never lose on…
What money? They’re blowing all of it on plastic flamingos and 6 figure RV’s that are worthless after a few years.